I am having lots of issues finding a compatible driver for this processor Processor AMD E2-9000e RADEON R2, 4 COMPUTE CORES 2C+2G, 1500 Mhz, 2 Core(s), 2 Logical Processor(s). My system is a hp 255 g6 notebook.
I have tried so many amd graphic drovers out there but all have compatibility issues.
The last driver i installed brought out a BSOD of a VIDEO TDR FAILURE. Guys i have used driver pack 2019 to scan for drivers severally but somehow, it doesn't install the graphics driver.
This has made my ear phones port not to work since i bought this PC.
Why is AMD processors causing so much trouble for poeple?
Please i need someone to who have the said processor above running on a windows 10 64 bit to help me out here. I am tired of searching and trial and error.
It is very bad that the only graphics driver i have is the microsoft basic adapter. I can't even run heavy applications as my system is just slow. Thanks to AMD graphics driver.
Please i need your help. I will appreciate it if you can tell me the right driver for it. I am tired of downloading 400+ non compatible drivers please.

Thanks guys.