I’m facing a problem with my radeon R9 390, sometimes it logs on event viewer a message:
“Permission on application settings do not grant local activation for the server application COM with CLSID
{6B3B8D23-FA8D-40B9-8DBD-B950333E2C52} and APPID {4839DDB7-58C2-48F5-8283-E1D1807D0D7D} To user SYSTEM LOCAL SID (xxx) …”
I found on some forums a way to fix this by granting privileges to the account running the COM, but every time I do a clean install on my GPU drive this problem appear again and now I’m searching for a more definitive solution.
A Little about my setup:
GPU: Radeon r9 390;
Win 10;
12 GB RAM;
FX Octa Core.

Thanks in advance,