Hi all,
i changed my operating system for Win 10 and during driver installation for my Gigabyte R9 270 i have black screen.
I tried to do that on another motherboard but had the same problem. Without them everythink looks fine. Maybe someone else had simular issue? 😕
plz help.
My hardware:
Asus H81M-D Plus
Intel Core I3 4170
PSU Modecom Feel 500
Memory 4 GB Hyperx ddr3
You are unfortunately in good company. Come check out our thread here: Black Screen When Installing 17.12.2 Drivers HD 7870 Win 7
No answers as of yet...
hmm i can help have had simular issues a few questions first. Was the card running previously before you upgraded the drivers. What kind of monitor is it connected to full specs of your build please. Are you using any 3rd party crapware from gigabyte or asus the more info the better to try help. Been here had simular issues so i know what i looking for & learnt. I will be blunt & honest tho i am going of what i have learnt & use.
All of us on the thread have similar issues, but differing hardware. Most
of the cards in question are Southern Isles cards, such as the R9 270, mine
is a HD 7870.
The gist of it is that most of us had a black screen crash occur under a
moderate to low load. On restarting, rather than boot into the login screen
there is a black screen. The card will work if running the basic display
driver, but fails if trying to run the AMD driver. If you run a dual gpu,
you will see a BSOD instead of the login screen, a Thread_stuck_in_driver
make sure you display plugs are in good condition i found a issue with the black screen with HDMI & dvi cables over time getting worn giving the same issue had this with mine till i found was aging cables. Check your display cables a handy but a thing never done often enough, another is check your PSU is still in good condition & pumping the amps & wattage as i upgrade PSU in a 2year cycle as PSU dont last like they use to & age loss effiecintcy & deteriate. I work on alot of desktops & sometimes the simple things over looked is an issue. I had issues with my Saphire Pulse RX560OC 4G till i found my issues being hardware related. These drivers are very sensitive. I Tested a R7360OC in my stepsons last night to see if i had a driver crash but loaded up tho h\s was showing signs of black screen tho the HDMI cable is stuffed. Cables dont last long. I honestly think be a simple fix. Mine was as i could load up on basic display driver till i replaced my cable.
Cables sound like an odd fix. My Dvi cable is fine, and I have thoroughly
stress tested the PSU. I can run an older HD 5750 with no problems, so I
doubt the cable is the issue. Go check the thread I noted above, and you
will see all of the solutions we have discussed and tried.
been here done that its a fix i found with mine that's over looked. Its the simple things which can be a cause with these cards. I have experienced it with mine its why i am suggesting it. The drivers have been abused but half the time its not the drivers. Make sure your windows updates are upto date it makes a diffrence to. Common sense easy things overlooked is a main cause for these problems. Mines come right since i fixed my hardware problems & i was blaming the drivers which it wasn't there fault. Essential tips is check cables & everything running your build.