Hi everyone,
My build started experiencing graphics driver crashes immediately following the launch of Bungie's Destiny 2: The Final Shape. I do not get crashes in any other game, so it is something specific to it, but there isn't consistency in the crashing (certain location, activity, steps to replicate) other than it only happens in Destiny 2. I have used the Bug Report Tool, but thought I'd make an entry here to see if anyone is aware of some workaround. Also, whether it may or may not matter... I own it on Steam.
My Build:
Things I've Tried:
Looked for BIOS updates (latest was released 6/6 - no effect), checked for Adrenalin updates (on version 24.5.1, Driver Version, AMD Windows Driver Version
31.0.24033.1003), performed a Factory Reset, disabled in-Game Overlay, reinstalled Adrenalin and driver.
What Happens:
There have been 3 different crashes (ordered by frequency, i.e. last occurs least frequently):
Any thoughts would be welcome. Hoping to hear something from an AMD rep, if possible.
I don't know why my previous comment isn't showing up, let's see if this one sticks around...
I tried all of the previous 24x drivers and still got crashes within 30 minutes of gameplay. I decided to try rolling back one more to the 23.12.1 and I've been playing for hours, now, without a crash... Maybe others will have luck with this?
I have an rx 7900 xtx and my game keeps crashing, sometimes with error broccoli other times adrenaline gives me an error message, other times the game just freezes and i get n error and have to use task manager to close Destiny 2.
Seems like 7900 xtx owners are having the same issue from what ive read in various internet posts. Im going to try rolling back and ill let you know what happens tomorrow since ill be gaming all saturday.
Good luck! I've played a lot since my last reply and haven't crashed again, yet...
I had a crash today after a couple of hours playing. Downclocked to 2250 and ive been playing for 4 hours. Seems like downclocking works out for me. when i had the card running at 2800 crashes where every 15 -30 minutes. A lot of people report this on D2 with the 7900 xtx and no one has found a clear solution. 😞 AMD please fix drivers
Well, I went multiple days on the v23.x driver without a crash, then crashed this morning. Silly AMD drivers... seriously, I submit the bug report each time, too... Will they ever acknowledge they are at least AWARE of the problem?
I gamed all weekend for multiple hours without a crash. Here are my settings: 500 low, 2300 high. 1150 mv ( no undervolting). no vram tuning. and power limit maxed out at 15%. Using the drivers you suggested. Might update again to the current drivers to see if it was a voltage problem since i never ran stock settings with the latest drivers. Ill keep you updated if i find anything new. Best of luck!
I'm also having a similar issue of crashing every time I load into Neomuna. It's definitely something to do with the final shape update as I was able to load in fine prior to the current DLC. 😞
24.6.1 still crashes
If anyone else is in the same boat, I started a post in the Bungie Help forum:
Graphics driver crashes continue still on 24.7.1
Just an update...
I have been able to play the last day and a half without crashes by setting up a custom Game Profile for my GPU.
Follow these steps at your own risk! I assume no responsibility for what happens to your rig. My GPU is the 7900 XTX
Good luck, Guardians.
Just to reiterate these settings, I've been playing for days without another crash.
Is this continuing to work for you? I have had the same problem for quite some time, and found this post just as I am 99% decided to just sell the card and buy a 4070/4080. I did many of the same things as you, including posting to bungie forums and reporting the bug over and over to AMD. Out of frustration, I finally installed my son's old 2060, and guess what? Not a single problem. If you really had success with this, maybe I'll give it one last try this weekend, otherwise this puppy is outta here.
this has worked for me, 7900 xtx/7800x3d
driver was crashing constantly, used these settings, been fine for a while
Sapphire NITRO+ RX 7900 XTX + 7800x3d
update on this, still working fine... as long as adrenalin doesn't crash in the background. when it does the tuning settings go out the window for some reason and the gpu driver crashes.
only thing i did differently is i dont have a game specific tuning profile. i limited the clock speed in the global tuning section, the game specific profiles just flat out don't work in any games i've tested
i tested playing with default gpu tuning settings (which has the clock limited to like 2900mhz for some reason), and the clock goes over 3ghz and the game invariably crashes. and im not talking 3ghz spikes, im talking sitting at over 3ghz continuously
why the gpu goes to 3ghz i have no clue, no where on the packaging or manufacturers website does it claim gpu clock speeds over like 2600mhz at the highest
long story the above solution works but its a bandaid. the gpu just defaults to an unstable clock speed for some reason. but as long as adrenalin is running and the clock stays under 2300mhz theres never a problem.
kind of annoying since although this "works" its not like set and forget. adrenalin sometimes just goes back to default tuning settings randomly and if i dont catch it by checking frequently enough and reset the limit.. crash. its a very annoying multi-game problem
Im still having this problem too, no matter what I do to it to just crashes over and over. Sometimes once, sometimes multiple times in one session. This is getting really annoying.
It sounds frustrating dealing with these crashes, especially when everything else runs fine. Since you've tried many common fixes, you might want to check out Destiny 2’s forums or Reddit for any similar issues reported by other players. Sometimes, there are game-specific tweaks or workarounds shared by the community. Also, consider reaching out to Bungie's support directly—they might have additional insights or patches for this issue. Good luck!
Having non stop issues with this card since I got it. Even got an RMA and a new one sent to me. Be it Destiny 2, Palworld, Helldivers 2, it just constantly crashing the games and I have to hard reset my PC to get anything back. I put my 1080ti back in and have no issues. Need better driver support ASAP!