Hi All,
I have successfully installed a Vega 56 in my Mac Pro 2009. I understand that this card has OpenCL, but Blender doesn't recognize that. How do I go about getting Blender to use the card's GPU?
There is no OpenCL in Blender under MacOS. It was deprecate. OpenCL/OpenGL are aged by apple. Only Metal will future.
Actually this statement is technically incorrect. "deprecated" does not removed. It simply means there is no future development and a replacement (Metal) is suggested.
At any rate to OP. You can use RPR with metal, blender itself will no longer allow cycles to use OpenCL in macOS
Thanks. I do have RPR installed, but blender crashes when I try use it. I am running High Sierra.
Can you see what the error is when running RPR? You can open a terminal and run
/Applications/Blender.app/Contents/MacOS/Blender to get more debug info
I’ll get that tonight when I get home and post
This is what I get. It crashes as soon as I select RPR as render engine.
I ran blender from the terminal with --debug option
# Blender 2.83.4, Commit date: 2020-08-05 06:00, Hash c113af82881a
bpy.context.scene.render.engine = 'RPR' # Property
# backtrace
0 Blender 0x00000001155b5377 BLI_system_backtrace + 55
1 Blender 0x000000010f166ef8 sig_handle_crash + 392
2 libsystem_platform.dylib 0x00007fff7d98af5a _sigtramp + 26
3 Blender 0x000000010f7b2ad5 Object_particle_systems_begin + 85
4 Blender 0x000000010fcf0762 _ZN12_GLOBAL__N_125deg_iterator_objects_stepEP12BLI_IteratorPN3DEG6IDNodeE + 162
5 Blender 0x000000010fcf0a5e DEG_iterator_objects_next + 606
6 Blender 0x000000010f70cf75 Depsgraph_objects_next + 21
7 Blender 0x000000010f865b78 pyrna_prop_collection_iter_next + 40
8 Blender 0x00000001140d961a _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault + 24986
9 Blender 0x00000001140171c2 gen_send_ex + 242
10 Blender 0x00000001140d961a _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault + 24986
11 Blender 0x00000001140171c2 gen_send_ex + 242
12 Blender 0x0000000114011080 enum_next + 32
13 Blender 0x00000001140d961a _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault + 24986
14 Blender 0x00000001140de22d _PyEval_EvalCodeWithName + 3021
15 Blender 0x0000000114007c57 _PyFunction_FastCallDict + 455
16 Blender 0x00000001140091c3 _PyObject_Call_Prepend + 131
17 Blender 0x00000001140082b8 PyObject_Call + 136
18 Blender 0x00000001140da120 _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault + 27808
19 Blender 0x000000011400867d function_code_fastcall + 237
20 Blender 0x00000001140dd49c call_function + 780
21 Blender 0x00000001140d9ede _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault + 27230
22 Blender 0x000000011400867d function_code_fastcall + 237
23 Blender 0x00000001140dd49c call_function + 780
24 Blender 0x00000001140d9ede _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault + 27230
25 Blender 0x000000011400867d function_code_fastcall + 237
26 Blender 0x00000001140091c3 _PyObject_Call_Prepend + 131
27 Blender 0x00000001140082b8 PyObject_Call + 136
28 Blender 0x000000011416d2c7 t_bootstrap + 71
29 Blender 0x00000001141210e9 pythread_wrapper + 25
30 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x00007fff7d994661 _pthread_body + 340
31 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x00007fff7d99450d _pthread_body + 0
32 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x00007fff7d993bf9 thread_start + 13
And I get a SegFault 11.
Does this help?
Hmmm, this crash is completely inside blender, nothing to do with RPR. Maybe try it without the --debug option
So, well i tried it from the CL with no options. RPR worked fine and used the Vega. I also tried running it from the applications folder and it works fine now as well. Dunno. But it is working.