Hi there, I've just installed ProRender 1.7 for Blender 2.79b on a Windows 10 x64 bit machine. Right after installation, I've imported a .blend file, set up a sun light and hit render (no materials have been set up); and the following traceback occurs:

This happens with the other plugins disabled.
Now, I see that the traceback complains about the tone mapping. According to the user guide, tone mapping settings should be in the render settings; but I can't find then, I also cannot find
gamma correction:

Already tried reinstalling and repairing ProRender, to no avail.
Looking at the file at the end of the traceback, it seems like `post_effect_update` is indeed undefined. It gets calle on the method `update_tone_mapping`, but it is not defined anywhere, nor is it imported and is neither a property of the class. So it sounds like a bug to me.

Just those two, the variable has not been defined anywhere.