Hi all, I am getting strange square facets when I use displacement and sub division. The coke logo seems to be fine, but on the smooth faces I start to get almost polygon reduction.
I have used a bunch of settings, with this render using subdivision setting of 0.1 for adaptive level and crease weight is at 15.
I am clearly missing something obvious, any thoughts on what it is?
Hello! could share the scene, we will check the current issue
Thank you
for now, RPR Displacement uses only polygon displacement and the result showed as flat polygon results, subdivision surface not held to get a smooth result, for better glass render results will use UBER shader with RPR or just click "Convert to UBER" button and switch Reflection from Metallness to IOR
Thanks for looking at that arozghon. I was sureI was using Uber, but then again, it was getting messy there at one point. Alright, so you are saying the the subdivision surface is getting in the way? Right let me do another test or two and I will get back to you. Thanks again.