Hi !
I'm trying to create Fog on a scene but with parameters on the World proprieties it don't work. No rendering and no previews possibilities.
I m on imac with egpu 5500xt.
Best regards
To get fog work i must put Full quality to legacy.
is there a possibility to get Full quality on fog render?
we are on same situation, radeon prorender 3.1 can't render any object with principled volume.
I hope that will be modified 😉
yes.. but legacy option still can't show whole things.. such like the fire.
i already post about this issue too below:
Cycles and RPR still lack for my RX570. sad...!!!
Hi bro, try using the Blender LTS series. I tried it on this version (but uses cycles), my RX570 runs fine with cycles. Later I will also try using Radeon Prorender. If it goes well, I will only use LTS version of Blender for the scope of work.
Arf.... I m already on macos and cycles don't take metal API.... Yes i know it's a mistake to work on osx with blender ^^
U still can use Cycles on mac, just activate your gpu in blender preference at OpenCL tab. And check your gpu if already listed there.
Unfortunately on macOS de don’t have this menu. Cycles work on OpenCL, macOS on metal so it’s not possible to set graphic card on cycles, only CPU.... 😫
Is Blender unable to detect your EGPU?
Blender show my egpu on RPR but not on Cycles 😉
Ok, now just try to use Blender LTS version, i hope it works for you.
I will try it !
i will sens you back my experience
I already tried to render smoke physic with RPR 3.1, the result is same in Blender LTS.
I hope it will fix soon. Ok, i'll skip RPR until this issues fix. at least now i able to uses Cycles on my RX570 with Blender LTS instead of Blender 2.92
What os do you have ?
I used Windows 10 64bit.
Btw,you able to install windows into your mac with bootcamp, so you can try to use Blender in windows environment.
I got it but blender crash when I render on the eGPU.... f***
At least, for now and for the foreseeable future, don't buy a Mac computer for purposes in Blender.
I previously used a Mac too(hackintosh), but now I end up using a regular desktop computer with a Windows operating system to play Blender.
It's more save money, and i can use discreet gpu as needed.
If Nvidia GPU was still supported by latest mac OS, maybe I would still stay on macOS.
I m so agree... I m waiting for better time to buy all the stuff for a new Windows comptuer.
I may wait few month to get 3080 at a good price ^^
Agreed.. NVIDIA still the great option for Blender and other task.
I also plan to switch to nvidia.. and wait and see for AMD progress for Blender. Because AMD has a great price for same nvidia specs.
Good luck and God bless you