All Majid21's Badges

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All Majid21's Badges

Majid21 has earned 11 badges!
  • Welcome!
    Earned by 268,940
    It's great to see you! Welcome!
  • Welcome Back!
    Welcome Back!
    Earned by 107,087
    It's great to see you again!
  • Kudos Given!
    Kudos Given!
    Earned by 8,325
    Thanks! You've given 2 kudos - keep them coming please!
  • 10 Kudos Given
    10 Kudos Given
    Earned by 1,516
    Thanks! you've given 10 kudos.
  • 25 Kudos Given
    25 Kudos Given
    Earned by 633
    Thanks! you've given 25 kudos.
  • 50 Kudos Given
    50 Kudos Given
    Earned by 348
    Thanks! you've given 50 kudos.
  • 100 Kudos Given
    100 Kudos Given
    Earned by 204
    Awesome! You've given 100 kudos, and everyone loves them!
  • Reply Posted
    Reply Posted
    Earned by 53,009
    Congratulations on your first reply!
  • 10 Logins
    10 Logins
    Earned by 8,496
    Back for more! We're pleased to see you again.
  • Kudo Received
    Kudo Received
    Earned by 19,637
    Congratulations on receiving your first kudo!
  • 5 Kudos Received
    5 Kudos Received
    Earned by 4,339
    Congratulations, you've received 5 kudos!