Do AI companies have data to be able to create AGI ?
Would it be interesting to try to create better data to be able to create AGI ?
To get the correct data would be to remote control a humanoid robot in factories and in homes.
But that is expensive.
What if we just remote control a robot head on a obstacle course.
The robot have holonomic / omni wheels, two cameras, two microphones, speaker and sensors.
Lets say we build a telerobotic game with these robot heads and compete on obstacle courses
and to solve problems together by remote controlling them over the internet.
Would that data, that would be almost like the data between brains and its bodies,
be able to create an AGI ?
Would it be able to use the data between a gamer and his FPS avatar in games ?
Would the best virtual data be from when people play virtual games with AR and VR googles?
Or how do we create better data to be able to create a AGI ?
Or is it not a data problem to create an AGI ?
Is it only the right algoritms and LLMs and so on,
to be able to create an AGI or digital human ?
M.Sc. Magnus