OS: Windows 10 pro 1803
Software: 3ds max 2019.1.1
ProRender version: 2.3.371(core 1.312)
Issue: Animation sequence keeps crashing in my case on every 12th frame(it depends from scene to scene). High memory usage after rendering multiple frames in sequence.
Crash happens at the end of the rendering starting a new frame.
Fatal error: [File:D:\Build\++Portal+Release-Live+Compile\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Private\GenericPlatform\GenericPlatformMemory.cpp] [Line: 179]
Ran out of memory allocating 65536 bytes with alignment 0
(See screenshot attached)
Het bericht is bewerkt door: Michiel Van Gasse Added extra error screenshot.
ProRender version: 2.4.404(core 1.321)
Still not fixed, other new scene same problem.
Every ~20 frame it stops and shows internal error.
Also map tiling and map channels aren't working correctly.
Putting the bitmap to map channel 3 gives a debug assert popup window.
Hi Michielvangasse,
Would it be possible to get the scene that you are having this issue with? I'm currently trying to reproduce this issue but no luck so far.
Also, for the Map Channel issue, what texture formats are you using?
Hi David_s,
Don't know how to upload a max file here.
I reproduced it with a new scene, just added 60 teapots of 64 segments.
Let it render the animation and it crashes around 10 frames.
Tried cpu and gpu, both the same result.
I have 16gb ram on this machine, so if you have more, try adding more teapots to get a quicker crash.
Because of the out of memory.
Used the latest preview build and the map channel work fine now, I was using png files.
Best regards,
Hi Michielvangasse,
I was finally able to reproduce the crash.:) I will send this information to the developers.