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Adept I

Unstable Fps Dayz NEW PROBLEMS 6700xt/7900 gre Dayz,6000+ 7000+ Gpu low fps

I have 2 6700 xt and 7900 gre cards, 2 3440x1440 and 1920x1080 monitors. Both don't have stable 144 frames at low, medium and high settings. Just like at 21, when the problem was solved, she came back again. Please decide, I will now provide a video report. Gpu load when viewed on an object drops to 20-30-40-50 percent when loading a bare field of 80-100 Proof

Chernogorsk, most of it, Berezino, Svetloyarsk, Tisza any city in which there are objects FPS drops and the loading of the video Driver does not work correctly in other games everything is fine. By the way, Msaa Appart anti-aliasing in the game kills fps very much (That's not the problem, it could also be solved) I was getting more frames on the 1660 super. Your favorite Amd, please decide. Dedicated red user

32 gb 
7900 gre
3440x1440 34 inch



4 Replies
Journeyman III

I also have a 6700xt card.  And I have the same problems

Upd: I checked on 11/23/11 it only works on 6700 xt and 6000 x+ The problem is in Dxnavi /


This only helps for the 6000 series+ The driver 23.11.1 is not installed for the 7900 gre Please remove the dx11 dxnavi driver for dayz or somehow solve the problem in it. As I did at this link, the fps became 140-300 and the load from 80-100 gpu. It didn't help on the 7900 gre please note


Upd: I checked for 6000+ driver 23.11.1 The problem with dxnavi Without navi, everything works fine on the 7900 gre, these drivers cannot be installed. Fps at 6700 from 40-150 became 140-300 GPU loading from 20-60 to 80-100 Do as in the photo with the driver 23.11.1 Amd Notice please promote the problemIt
only works on 6000+ rx on 7000 rx+ namely 7900 gre does not work it cannot be installed on 23.11.1
!direct 9 with navi direct 11 regular !

it's working only for old drivers. On 24.4.1 it doesn't help.