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General Discussions

Journeyman III

Screen tearing in Elden Ring

Hi all!

So this past Sunday (5/12) I was playing Elden Ring with no problems smooth as ever. Turned on my pc, went to bed, went to work, and when I got home I turned it back on to play again. No settings changed and for some reason I'm getting, what I can guess and believe to be, screen tearing? I have a 60Hz monitor and the game is capped at 60fps too and I've never had that issue before? Looked around and couldn't seem to find a solution.



1 Reply
Adept I

Elden Ring was buggy on my lower system too.  Starting up in 4k over and over.   Had to uninstall and reinstall.  Then the same thing, screen tearing pretty bad.  Which reinstalling the gpu driver fixed it.  Make sure screen sycn is off in the Radeon software.  It’s under gaming then settings.. it’s like global settings and it will lock those settings even if you try to change it in game.  Just gets ignored.