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Journeyman III

VCN between ryzen 7000 & 9000 iGPU vs ryzen 8700G

Hello all,


I'm hoping those of you who are compete pros can give me some insight into the iGPU between the above cpus, particularly on the subject of hardware transcoding for plex/emby/jellyfin server.


all i read about is how the intel UHD 770 is superior when it comes to transcoding, which i guess (maybe) i can understand compared to the likes of the ryzen 7000 series...  but how is a cpu like the 7 8700G not a complete game changer...   i completely understand that drivers have a TON to do with it, so yeah...  a superior chip can perform worse than its competition because of crappy drivers... yes, i get it..   so, DRIVERS ASIDE, it seems to me that for transcoding, the 7 8700G with its m780 iGPU would be vastly superior to anything else, yet tests against the others show otherwise..


when transcoding occurs, does it have the ability to use the entire gpu or is the encoder/decoder just a small part of the gpu?


thanks for your time!




2 Replies
Journeyman III

so no one has any input?


no one can explain why the 9700 is still faster than the 8700G in terms of transcoding?  or are the tests just improperly run? 



jcizzo, apparently not in this forum. Please try this or this. John.