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So my temps were running really high, so i decided to buy some thermal paste and reseat my fan, I unscrewed my fan and it wouldnt budge from the CPU. I was told to lightly twist and pull, so i did. My entire CPU came with it while it was still clamped in the AM4 socket, That was a heartdropping moment as i had a feeling it would break my CPU, I put everything back in and installed my fan again, now my CPU voltages are jumping all over, not staying a consistant temp and my CPU utilization is jumping, did i break my CPU?
Ryzen 5 2600
Gigabyte GA-AB-350Gaming mobo
Remove the CPU from the socket and look at the pins. If some are broken, then you broke it.
Yep. Check for bent/missing pins. Also take a good, careful look at the socket area front and back. Look for any damage.
whiskers2019, you are the second user to tell the ripped out CPU story. Please post a screenshot of Ryzen Master (RM). You can simply drag-n-drop your image into the reply. Thanks and enjoy, John.
Since posting this I changed my processor and fan. and still same results, however i had my buddy come over last time and reapply my fan, it the voltages and stuff were fine when he did it, He did my new processor and fan and no luck.
Wiakers2019, still need to see the Ryzen Master (RM) screenshot. Enjoy, John.
I posted it above sir. its as a gyazo screenshot