Are all Ryzen AM4 socket CPU supposed to be compatible on AM4 motherboards?
I decided to upgrade my Ryzen 5 2600 to a Ryzen 5 5600; I checked ASUS website to see if the 5600 was compatible to my TUF B450M-PLUS-GAMING and it was (was not).
I even went to double check on PC part picker to double check, yep compatible.
So I went and bought myself a Ryzen 5 5600. I set my PC to default settings, made sure I had the latest BIO's installed.
I then installed said CPU, booted up my PC, went in to Bios and checked everything was recognised, it all looked okay. I then proceeded to start my PC and started getting errors, messages and BSODs. Anyway spent 2 hours trying to resolve, and gave up after reading the CPU box and seeing it was 4.4GHz not 3.5 as noted on the ASUS CPU support list. What the hell? So obviously I'm a little pissed off thinking all AM4 CPU would be compatible across the board and they are not.
So is there a way besides buying a new motherboard that I can get this to work?
the CPU should actually run without any the CPU new or did you get it second hand?
Base clock speed of 3.5 GHz and a boost clock speed up to 4.4 GHz.
are you sure that the error message is coming from the CPU?
what kind of error code is coming from there?
"Are all Ryzen AM4 socket CPU supposed to be compatible on AM4 motherboards?"
insert-alias , absolutely NOT! The MB vendor determines what processor their MB supports. John.
Many factors that can make a new processor not able to boot up or being fully compatible with a Motherboard.
1-RAM installed might not be fully compatible with the new 5600 processor but compatible with the 2600 processor.
2- Wrong BIOS version installed would not recognize the new processor until you updated to the correct BIOS.
3-incorrect BIOS settings.
According to Asus Support for your Motherboard you will need BIOS Version 3211 or newer for the new processor to be recognized.
If you installed the new processor without doing a BIOS CLEAR CMOS /Reset BIOS to Default settings then I suggest you do that with the processor installed. That way it will correctly identify your new processor in BIOS.
Download the QVL List for the 3rd Generation processor or the 5000-G Series list:
The 5000G Processor QVL List is for the 5000 series APU processor with integrated Graphics. Not sure if that would be the best list for your Non-IGPU 5000 series processor but it is the closest one since it is for the 5000 series processor.
You can also check your RAM Manufacturer Support site to determine if your RAM is fully compatible with your Motherboard and new processor.
Also download and install the latest AMD CHIPSET from AMD Download page:
NOTE: Once you have confirmed and installed all the drivers and RAM is compatible with the new processor see if you continue to have issues with Windows.
If you do you might need to do a Clean Windows install as a last resort. But before doing that post all the error messages you are getting and crashes.
Check Device Manager and see if you see any errors showing?
ALso run in a elevated Command Prompt/Powershell the following simple command line to check your Windows OS:
SFC /scannow