You can use any AM3 processor. has sellers who can send overseas. There is the 6-core Phenom II X6 1055T (HDT55TWFK6DGR), Phenom II X6 1065T (HDT65TWFK6DGR).
There are also 4-core processors: Phenom II X4 955 (HDX955WFK4DGM), Phenom II X4 945 (HDX945WFK4DGI, HDX945WFK4DGM), Phenom II X4 960T (HD96ZTWFK4DGR) (the last is a 6-core with 2 cores disabled so you could enable them if your BIOS allows it). There is also the Phenom II X4 905e. Those are all 95W but there are 125W 6-cores: 1075T, 1090T & 1100T.
You can use a small screwdriver to put a rice-grain-size blob of thermal paste on the CPU in the middle. Also use it to straighten any bent pins. Renew the paste every 12–18 months.
Ebay also sell $2 GD900 thermal paste that's as good as the reputed Arctic MX4. It could take 8 weeks to reach you from China otherwise try Thermal Grizzly Hydronaut.