Ryzen 5 3600x
2x8Gb corsair vengeance rgb pro amd optimized
rtx 2070 super
msi b450 tomahawk max(bios up to date)
550W Corsair tx
When I enable XMP and stress the cpu the PC reboots.
The temps seem fine when testing them.
I ran several test and sometimes found it would be stable for a few hours so played some games and it would reboot, when stressing it after the reboot it would reboot again.
Stressing the gpu seems to cause no reboots and I am yet to get one with xmp disabled.
The RAM is on the QVL list and both are in slots 2 and 4.
I've also tried OC the ram myself with the correct timings and voltage etc still no luck.
The RAM is 3600mhz^
First do a CLEAR CMOS on your motherboard to reset BIOS back to factory default. In case it is a BIOS setting you configured causing the issue.
Remove one of your two RAM Sticks and see if it still reboots during stress testing.
If it doesn't reboot and computer is working fine than it seems to be compatibility issue with two RAM Sticks installed.
But to rule out a defective RAM Stick, Run MEMTEST86 with both Ram sticks installed. It should come back with Zero errors after 2 or 3 passes.
That means your specific Corsair RAM MEMORY has been validated at being compatible with only Two Motherboard RAM MEMORY Slots occupied.
If you install 3 or 4 RAM Sticks it won't work. Your motherboard only supports two RAM Sticks of Corsair for that particular part number.
Okay I will try both. Unsure what the last column implies on the qvl.
No errors on the memtest which looks good and I'm yet to have a reboot with one stick in, I'll continue test it and update you.
If you install both again and the BSOD starts up again, I highly suggest you open a Corsair Support ticket about the RAM Memory you purchased.
Some other Users in the past had a similar problem in which they were able to play around with the RAM Memory speeds in BIOS to get it to work with 2 sticks. Maybe Corsair can advice you on how to configure your RAM to work with 2 sticks.
Okay will do thank you
I didn't get any crashes when using just one so like you said took into consideration it was a compatibility issue. I reinstalled the system and chipset drivers and put the other stick back in and I'm yet to get a reboot. I played r6 which often caused it to reboot fairly quickly and it hasn't, the CPU stress test hasn't caused it to reboot either. I will play longer tomorrow because there has been times where it has looked good before. Thank you for the help and if you have any other suggestions on why it works with 1 and not the both that would be great. I'll update later tomorrow. Thank you for your help.