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PC Graphics

Adept III

Strange issue with display turn off power saving feature on Windows 10

Hi there.

Not sure if its GPU fault, i bet its more system issue, but it got reinstalled month ago. 

So, my issue here is, whenever system decides to turn off my screen (inactivity for X minutes or 1 minute on login screen) for power saving sake, it wont do it right. Display gets only video input cut off while still being turn ON. In resoult it keeps searching in infinite loop for signal.

I remember that feature was working right around 2 months ago, not sure when it stopped working properly, i just found out its not doing it ok. 

I already checked all monitor options (its LG 32GK650F-B) for power saving mode, in system for PCIE i got average power saving mode, screen automaticly turn off after 10 minutes (which does the same thing....).

Tried also googling it, but all threads was about system bootlop or no signal on windows login screens at all. 

Anyone had such issue? Any advice?

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