Your blue screen error seems to indicate a faulty hardware or driver issue. From Microsoft : Bug Check 0x7F UNEXPECTED_KERNEL_MODE_TRAP - Windows drivers | Microsoft Docs
Bug check 0x7F typically occurs after you install a faulty or mismatched hardware (especially memory) or if installed hardware fails.
A double fault can occur when the kernel stack overflows. This overflow occurs if multiple drivers are attached to the same stack. For example, if two file system filter drivers are attached to the same stack and then the file system recurses back in, the stack overflows.
Also from Microsoft concerning your blue screen error: UNEXPECTED_KERNEL_MODE_TRAP | Microsoft Docs
This Stop message means that one of two types of problems occurred in kernel-mode, either the kind of condition that the kernel is not allowed to have or catch (a bound trap), or an unrecoverable error. Occasionally, this message can be caused by software problems, but the most common cause is hardware failure. It usually occurs after the installation of faulty or mismatched hardware (especially memory) or in the event that installed hardware fails. Setting the CPU to run at speeds above the rated specification (known as overclocking the CPU) can also cause this error.