Hello, Can you help me remove this error that appears to me? this error appears after my computer restarts, it already appeared 3 times, it happened 2 times while playing Call of Duty Warzonr and the third time it appeared when I was turning on the computer, it took a long time to start and it appeared in the notifications "Radeon Wattman default settings have been restored due to an unexpected system failure" and also in the notifications of the Radeon Software program I get "Radeon WattMan default settings have been restored due to an unexpected system failure"
Could you help me? It is my first gamer PC, and I don't know how to eliminate that error, I want to remove it forever
If you could explain to me how to eliminate this step by step I would appreciate it since I am new to this 
Also in games such as warzone, fortnite, but lately in Call of Duty Warzone, it is where more errors appear, the game screen freezes and then an error appears, and then I enter the graphics configuration low all, And at a very low resolution, it should be noted that the resolution at which I play is 1600x900 is not even 1080p, so I am very worried, could you help me? My components are a Ryzen 5 3600, 16 GB RAM 3200 Mhz, 500 GB HDD, I have seen the benchmarks of this video card that I have and all people run perfectly most of the games above 60 FPS in high and mine it locks, freezes and takes me out of the game I attach photos of what appears