Hey so here is the scoop.
In desktop at 240hz, I have 80w at idle and vram tuning stuck at ~80% max. If I set it to 165hz, it goes way down to 7w. If I set freesync to ON while in 240hz, the wattage goes way down to 7w again. I’m using the DisplayPort.
I was watching this video and I don’t know if it’ll work but is this something to try? Does messing with Blanking values introduce lag or anything while gaming? https://youtu.be/V8jV_xCbtYk?si=c9BGLhTMlPbOf7BE
Should I try another cable to help with the Blanking? I think in the video above it talks about cable quality and Blanking etc.
I have also seen people use custom resolutions in Adrenaline and CRU to lower idle wattage. For instance, 240hz - I would set a custom resolution to 236hz and that would eliminate the high idle wattage…
I’m at a loss here and any and all help would be appreciated.
I didn't watch the video because I know this topic inside out.If freesync solves this problem for you why don't you keep it enabled ? RDNA3 was designed specifically to solve this problem with freesync enabled. On older RDNA2 and 1 GPUs freesync doesn't always solve it or it solves it temporary as it will came back after some time. CRU is useful for people that can't solve this problem with freesync.
Using CRU does not introduce lag or anything else. Also the cable has nothing to do with this issue so don't change your cable expecting to solve it. I've been using CRU for 3 years without issues.
Does using freesync add lag while gaming?
I’ll be honest I don’t know much about this stuff and I’m doing a crash course trying to learn as I go.
I appreciate the help from you guys
On my monitor, I have the option for AdaptiveSync... I would enable that and FreeSync Premium in the 7900xtx, right? They're both one in the same, correct?
You are correct, freesync, adaptive sync and variable refresh rate are basically the same thing. So you must enable it on the monitor and in the adrenaline settings.
As for the freesync input latency, I have no idea. From what I've read online they say that it adds some latency but it's minimal...In any case I'm not able to notice any input lag with freesync enabled vs disabled. Maybe some people may notice it...you must try for yourself.
Alright. What I did notice is in game I have the fps capped to 240. But the fps counter still passed 240 to around 250 or so. Is this normal for it to still pass 240? I’m worried about slowdown/issues.
I read that freesync can cause issues when the gpu passes the monitors refresh rate.
If the fps passes the freesync range it will automatically deactivate itself... it's like running with vsync off. Even when freesync is turned on, freesync is only active when the fps is within the fps range of your monitor.
On desktop it doesn't do anything except help your monitor to draw much less power.
Idk why the game fps limit allowed the game exceed the 240 fps...you should use something like rivatuner to cap your fps if the in-game fps doesn't work properly.
Anyway this is turning into another topic that has nothing to do with your original post. I suggest to make another thread if you have questions about how to cap fps when in game limiters don't work. I usually check this forum only once a week so I think you will get much faster help if you create new threads for different issues 🙂