I have my own settings that I use for my 7900xt, It is quiet and the GPU hot spot is about 70C.
Why does your software keep resetting my profile, when games etc are not crashing.
I am autistic and I hate change, so why are you changing my settings every single day, as now, every single day I want to put a hammer through my card.
Can you please stop it.
Seriously, it really is annoying the living hell out of me.
Never going to buy an AMD card again.
Does anyone have anything on the this?
Seriously, my adrenalin software keeps on changing my clock settings etc. Without any imput from me.
Is anyone else experiencing stuff like this?
It is really really important, as I can get violently angry and break stuff. Microsoft is another source of anguish for me. I keep setting up my Windows exactly how I like it, then Microsoft come along and change it at all.
My profiles are backed up already.
I regular reinstall windows as I like an optimised system
I don't think I have conflicting software as I generally have almost nothing running in teh background.
I have now switched off automatic updates.
I load pre-saved settings after an update.
This has been happening for months now 😞
So annoying
I uninstalled Adrenaline via windows control panel (which automatically uninstalls the drivers).
Redownloaded the drivers and selected Custom install: Drivers only.
I then installed MSI afterburner, so that I could set a custom fan curve.
Problem solved.
AMD's choice to ignore customers completely, will not work in their favour.