So, I wanted to point out an issue with the latest AMD B450 chipset driver.
With the previous version of the AMD Chipset drivers (all the important files such as the dlls, uninstall.exe, etc) and the main executable itself were all installed under the "C:\Program Files (x86)\AMD" directory, due to which in the past, it was considered (if you aren't switching between old/new drivers) safe to delete the "C:\AMD" folder after install because all it had were the unwanted remnants (exctracted packages) from the installers.
But, with the latest version of the chipset drivers, I guess only the core driver files are installed under "C:\Program Files (x86)\AMD", the uninstaller.exe and some other files are installed under the "C:\AMD" directory, which if deleted then the chipset drivers refuses to uninstall and gives you an error saying some files are missing in the uninstaller window.

Just thought of pointing this out as I always reinstall the chipset drivers when I'm reinstalling/upgrading my GPU drivers and delete the "C:\AMD" folder because I don't switch between drivers so I have no genuine use for it being there and it bothers my OCD for the same reason, but I noticed that with the latest chipset driver, if you've deleted the extracted package folder (C:/AMD) after initial installation, then you won't be able to uninstall the chipset driver.
Wanted to ask if there would be any fix coming for this near future.