Hello everyone.
Sry for my English, i am from Ukraine.
Have interesting problem on my 5700 xt. Suddenly games like Borderlands 3, RDR 2, Witcher 3 become freeze and instantly unfreeze (what u can see in video below). Its repeat permanently and is accompanied by one second clicks as if electricity from the video card or... what is heard from the computer case. The problem started from RDR 2 - same as you can see on video - it was simple enough to start the movement of the character. Reinstalling the driver removes the problem in RDR 2, but after some time it returns again suddenly - and new reinstall can fix it or not. Same becomes in Witcher 3, but comes back to normal after the first restart of the game. Now RDR 2 and W3 works well, but Borderlands unplayable (now return to RDR). This problem not accompanied by any artifacts, crashes from games, black screens or anything else - all works fine, only this freeze and unfreeze. Interesting that i can hear same electric sound from case while ALT+Tab the games, going into game menus, or sometimes heard it while moving mouse in strategy map like Total War Warhammer or ANNO. At first i think it was breakdown of my video card or power supply but my friend, with same videocard have this in Borderlands 3 too and in time he lags i can see sth like teleportation in game (like disconnect and suddenly reconnect). So now i thinks its driver problem but maybe techical?. Maybe anyone have the same and have fix or advice what to do?)
ryzen 5 3600 x
Asus prime pro x570 last bios
Sapphire 5700 xt nitro+
Ballistix Sport lt 16 3000.
Be Queit! Straight power 11 650 w - connected to GPU through 1 8+8 pin cable VGA 1 (have same VGA 2 that not use)
First RDR 2 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FTV544quMkU&feature=youtu.be
Borderlands 3 - RX 5700 XT freezing / unfreezing (Borderlands, RDR2 etc) - YouTube
At same time: The Witcher 3 - any lags.
Thank you.
Try disable, msi afterburner, HWiNFO, GPU-z and other similar programs
Your PSU is not very good in comparision with others. Also PCIE cables look thin for this PSU and you want to deliver all that juice via those thin cables - not good. If you take a look at igorslab tests card takes 400W in peak. How can you deliver this brutal current via one thin cable?
Use also second cable, maybe stability will be better.
Hello, thank you. This problem remains without the included monitoring programs.About PSU, friend with Seasonic Focus Gold 650 w have same problem in Borderlands. I should connect to videocard VGA 1 8 pin and VGA 2 8 pin inst, itstead single cable, its safe?
Just to confirm, you are using 2x PSU cables and not 1x cable connected to the graphics card? Can we see a picture of the inside of your PC case please?
Yeah, no problem.
Here video - PSU PCI - YouTube
Here how game works after reinstalling the driver - 20200520 175234 - YouTube Its run perfect, can play an hour or more. But its for some time, i think in the morning (in my country) will be freezing again.
P.S. Vocaroo | Online voice recorder - here is a sound (+- have very cheap telephone, so if u can add some loud) comes from PSU or videocard (can't understand but looks like PSU) when i Enter game menus, moving mouse in some places in strategy games, and ofc in freeze moment.
That clicking sounds like death. I would RMA PSU or rather replace PSU (buy Corsair HX or better or Evga P2 or better). As I wrote previously it looks like hardware issue.
I learned there are two main problems when one has issues with 5700XT - defective/incapable PSU, corrupted installation of drivers.
>i think in the morning (in my country) will be freezing again.
What do you mean by that? That you had freezes in the morning, or that the freezes OCCUR at the morning? What's the power delivery to your house? Maybe your power source has really bad noise and the GPU/PC is choking because it can't draw necessary power.
Oh no no, bad writing. Last time i wrote this, have no lag after reinstalling the driver, but in those morning wake up, open RDR and have it again. 220 v, i think everything is good. Don't know what is sound from PSU and why only in game menus and in freeze moment. But after reinstalling the driver again, turn off overlay, full panel scalling mode, and turn off saving last moment as video, around 3 days have no freezes even if play long time (but still in menus this PSU sounds), I don't think PSU dying, it look like software problem.
20200523 094621 - YouTube - 3 days of playing (sry for that trash, but afraid use driver or any capturing software)
Can a hard stress test show PSU problems? Work with any problem.
Check the latencymon. Also check HDD if you have your games installed there.
Unfortunately, not working.
Then try to reinstall Windows cleanly, install all the latest motherboard drivers, do not install any software than the latest drivers and windows updates, install games from genuine sources if it is not the case. It might also be issue with some drivers or piece of software that you might have installed. In BIOS load optimized defaults, this often helps (assuming motherboard manfufacturer provides bios good updates).
In my opinion it is rather hardware incompatibility, so if you can try card in different computer and diagnose which component in your PC causes incompatibility it would be good. PSU is just bad, can you borrow good PSU from somebody? EVGA P2 or better, Corsair HX or better or similar, at least 750W?
Yeah, all games legal, from Epic store or steam. Unfortunately, i cant find better PSU - all friends have worse. When i build PC i think about buying 1/3 price of this, Chieftec..., but local experts said this +- good and enough for my build, so i add money and bought it. Platinum PSU is so expensive here. Today I downloaded Display Driver unistaller and goes from 20.4.2 to 19.12.2 driver. Playing RDR about 40 min on Vulcan in Saint Denis - no freezes.(While playing on 20.4.2 or earlier it becomes from start). But when this starts i have sth near 19.12.1. too, playing some weeks normally. If this is a hardware problem, how can clean reinstalling of the driver fix it for a while?
check your windows with this tools :
Resplendence Software - LatencyMon: suitability checker for real-time audio and other tasks
If this LatencyMon program did not show any problems in the system, try to set it rigidly yet
paging file.
e.g. initial size at 9000MB and maximum size at 9000MB
If this is a hardware problem, how can clean reinstalling of the driver fix it for a while?
I reinstalled the driver again, and turn off replay records and driver overlay, also set Scalling mode to full panel. Play some games - zero freezing. Have microfreezes in Borderlands while shooting with npc and also hear that electric sound from PSU but this microfreeze does not interfere with gameplay. Rdr, GTA 5, Witcher 3 works well, AC Oddysey work well every time, even when RDR freeze. Idk how long it will but.. looks like work...
I write to PSU developer about this sounds, but still have no answer. If PSU is dying it should freezeing with any load and everytime or selectively? Can software reisntall to mask the breakdown for a while? [spoiler][/spoiler]
I have problems with a 5700 pulse (black screen, freezes), with an EVGA Supernova G2 850W 80 Plus Gold (works perfectly). The problems started with this 5700. I have NEVER had any before, neither with a 580 nor with a 1080 founders .... NEVER.
But with various stress tests everything works without problems. Just problems with games.
The problem is with Windows or AMD drivers, perhaps a mixture of both. AMD washes his hands.
You have sudden issues with 5700 because new powerful cards require modern and new power supply, i.e. 5700XT, 2070 super, 2080 super, etc - this is not from my head, you can look for info easily by yourself.
If your power supply is old you should replace it with new, this is no issue because you can try new power supply and return it if it does not help (e.g. in my country I can return goods within 14 days from date of purchase), then you have maybe compatibility issue which will be solved by bios update if you do not have too old motherboard which is no longer supported.
Only issues what you see are known issues in adrenaline release - there is one "Some users may still experience black screen or system hang issues during extended periods of gameplay.", but in my experience there are zero issues with drivers and what AMD acknowledges is caused by compatibility issues.
If you want to check to see if your PSU is sufficient enough for your computer or it is defective ,download OCCT and run the PSU Stress test. Keep a close eye on Temps and PSU Outputs while the test is running if it doesn't shut the computer down immediately after the stress test starts.
NOTE: This test MIGHT damage or ruin a cheaply made PSU or if it is going bad.
Thank you, i think its not PSU. Play whole day. Now looks live problem solved.
Interesting. Maybe AMD yet another time have half-baked their shader compilation for the game? I wouldnt be suprised.
After around 5 days looks like problem solved by clearly reinstalling the driver, turning off driver overlay and saving last gaming moments and gifs, turn on full panel scaling. Also problem of clicking PSU in Borderlands 3 fixed by turning on Vsync. Now every game works well, don't know how long but its not PSU 100%. Thank all for help, try latencymon.