So, after being absoulutely dissapointed by the ReLive performance, I decided to give the AMD video capture another try since it seem like it's been revamped.
I turned that on, configured and have been recording Borderlands 3 for the whole evening. And what a surprise, it still captures its own overlay

and my videos belong to the trash bin now. How so?
I mean, c mon, this is 2020, IT'S IN THE NAME, the feature of NOT capturing anything but source is a standard on this field since FRAPS, don't regress to the ReLive age. And I don't think anyone wants to see all those indicators on their footage anyway.
Now, right now it seems like it's the on/off game. You either see the indicators and pop up massages and they are also present on the footage, or don't see these anywhere. That's the wrong way: I need to be able to monitor my recording but definitely don't need my footage being ...soiled by the overlay.
Would you mind adding the feature, y know, so the overlay would not be captured when it is turned on? Capture the game's window not evertything. Would be appreciated.