Is there a special windows OS config file or settings or quality file you could put a shortcut to so you get 'real' graphics?
my cars body doesnt have much dusty dirty or mud leave residue on it when the sea water dries.. it barely has a sort of filmy look or like sun damaged waxing or improper polishing compound not buffed off the car body.. you see like splotchy patches of the water running off and drip drying. my realityemulation reality simulation in forza horizon 5 should be a fair bit better on my ryzen 5700G and radeon 5700xt.. if its the 90's unreal game engines 95% close to reality or UNITY which is a bit better i believe. Well i have no clue how to do much better than what i currently have my graphics at by pasting thousands of pages of wikipedia computing words and glossaries of physics and xrays and maths terms into a text file and anything AMD sounding and multiply by octillions.. is there an easy way to type using CAT or something to insert all possible 3 letter combinations in lower case and upper case possible? like RGB is 3 letters at 8bit its 16million and at 10bit its 1.2billion right? 12bit was it 4billions colours possible? for some reason pre 1800s computing that were thrown in the trash because never zero latency and figured out its not a real computer though cheaper and easier to build and use intel and nvidia still use their trashy software thats 3 letters for all its uhh stuff.. and uses lower case and upper case letters. like RENDERMODEtrue is intel false bit depth wording case sensitivity. hate those guys. Anyway if you wanna RTX or AMD ZTX or CAS or ZAS or RSR/FSR or ZSR amd style or wanna FS2 or D3D or D9D amd style.. whatever.. its all just 3 letters combos for the whole fake windows OS.. it supposed to have wayyy higher bit depth. just to print and convert hex 3 letters it expands and calculates at like 32 letters and numbers length not 3.. for photographic gaming since the 70's and since like HTML existed and photo printing and digital cameras were a thing man intel and nvidia are not good.
so is there a true OS terms and words core that i could access with the real graphics and hardware functions? not just random TLC MLC SSD HDD RAM CPU GPU 3 letter junk from the pre 1800's? when i go to start a game it comes up with network access permissions junk often i just click the close X button in top right of the window and game works multiplayer and all no issues just fine. funny. forza didnt seem to at this point. i just reset windows so.. hard to say worked fine before. the 3 letters stuff is maybe 24bits max.. hows that using my 2096bit graphics card probably per core of 40 cores?

The HDR might look different, i typed TRIEXTREMEHDR2 in registry after taking one maybe as i reset windows/reinstall had to retype reg keys. probably forgot a heap .. but its probably fine.. looks roughly as good as before reset.