So after Christmas, I thought I would treat myself to a graphics card update (Msi radeon r9 380 --> Msi rx570) but ever since the new graphics card, I haven't been able to play Siege, as it repeatedly crashes. (This is the only game that is affected by these crashes; every other game runs perfectly)
At random intervals, my monitor will flick off and on again, and when it flicks back on, my PC still thinks that Siege is running however the tab is completely transparent, in that you can't see anything on it. You can still hear audio etc. so it must be something to do with the graphics card.
So far, I have: uninstalled and reinstalled drivers (multiple times), reinstalled Siege, reinstalled Uplay, and altered my settings in game, spoke to Ubisoft customer support, however they were not able to help me and nothing they suggested resolved the crashing, and they eventually referred me to the manufacturer. Does anyone know any ideas that may work?
I had the same problem with my RX 480, try setting the LOD distance to "low" and see if it works.
do you use anything like MSI Afterburner? or watch a video on a second screen? or use Uplay overlay?
try to disable/close them and post results
Still have the same problem >= 17.10.x
Still crashes on explosions.
With LOD settings = LOW instead of MID/HIGH, it happens not all the time, but only about every thrid game...
Currently on 18.2.1, RX570, WIN7-64
mattclarkson - you didnt answererd my questions
same goes to tuxmux
No, I don't used MSI Afterburner,
I do have a second monitor, but mostly just have discord up on it.
Yes, I do use the Uplay overlay, but I was not even aware that you could turn off the Uplay Overlay, could you elaborate how to?
Same for me.
- No third-party GPU software
- I have a secondary monitor, but disabling it yields no improvement
- Without Uplay Overlaym Rainbow six siege is not usable (friends match setup), but also tried with disabled overlay, no difference.
yeah - than its the HWacc Bug since 17.7.2
last 100% working driver is 17.6.2
uplay -> (left icon - "3 bars") -> settings -> uncheck "Enable in-game overlay for supported games" & "Display FPS counter in game"
if there is a Video running on second screen the HW acceleration is buggy (for some, not all) and it will result in a crash
also happens when streaming with AMD AMF - or any en/decoding videos on your GPU
it may can also be bring MS on the table - they changed stuff in how drivers and gpu are allowed to work together
As mentioned above, already ruled this out (disabled uplay overlay as well as 2. monitor). My impression is, it is related to some particle/structural effect in the game, because LOD settings have massive impact on the occurence probability (LOD=low -> playable, but frequent crashes, LOD>=mid -> unplayable, instant crash on first animation/effect)
as i said - has to do with HardwareAcceleration
there is no fix as of yet
Honestly, I have no idea how but this time when i lowered my settings, I didn't experience any crashes. Although my frame rate is considerably lower.
What's this HardwareAcceleration issue? Is this under Windows 10 v1803?
You're looking at a post from FEBRUARY. Times change.
here with same problem any fixes yet?
Crashing Apon Explosions :: Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege General Discussions
The general concept that this thread is talking about worked for me.
rollback and wait?
Already waited half a year...
There had only been one driver release that claimed to fix it, but it didn't.
Edit: Ah, got it 😉 But thats not a solution. Especially, as I really appreciate the Amd Linux support-use the same machine with Linux too. Thats were N* has the problems though...
no fixes so far
BUT AMD is working on a new kind of driver - that may fixes all our problems (that Netflix UHD compatibility driver)
Help people, i cant play too.... i tryed AC Origins, Syndicate, Unity and black frag, all the same, crash on the prologue.... the screen flicks and the game crash to the desktop...
Could you solve it? I have Windows 10 LTSB (1607) and Rx 570 Pulse OC with 18.9.3, i also tried the lastest beta 18.11... etc
do you run any overlays?
like RivaTuner (MSI Afterburner) or Steam/uplay overlay? - if yes disable
pls download latest DDU and run it in SAFE-MODE
clean driver - reboot - install latest driver - reboot - test
I do that, the 17.11.1 don't work, the 17.6.2 fixed all my problems, but with a performance cost no?
mh 17.6.2 is the last driver with the "old way" of hw acc
maybe reduce your OC a little
or try installing a fresh windows
And why the newer drivers with the "changed" hwacc works on windows 7 and not in windows 10 1607 or lower? if its is newer.... besides, in the web doesnt says that the windows must be x version, it only says windows 10 64bits, any more....
simple explained
AMD needed to fix HWacc in Win10 because MS messed up HWacc (for Win10) TWO TIMES since 2017
also MS changed the way HW is spoken to 3 times! since 2016
so now the game and driver are much "nearer" to the Hardware = more powaaa
Aaaaahhh ok ok thanks so! xD, by chance do you have any source about that to read? I'm interested xD
Win32 DeviceCapabilities API Behavior Changes - Windows drivers | Microsoft Docs plus related stuff
also i think AMD stated this in one of their change-notes
main problem is that i cant google for it - because if you enter "windows hardware detection changed" the fantastic (irony) new google algorithm ducks hard and floods me with "windows activation problems after hardware changes"
but i can try to find more info about it
EDIT: HWacc was changed also by AMD - they now use a "not so complicated and faster way"; i heard about it because of a problem with AMD AMF with 17.7.2 etc // last driver 100% working for people with that error is always 17.6.2
Ah, this is awkward. Sorry guys, I completely forgot about this thread, I sorted out my issues with it around 9 months ago although I can't remember at all what I did. Apologies for not replying sooner.