The combo in the title is the config, but AMD drivers refuse to work together when it's an ALL AMD GRAPHICS stack, which is idiotic. I've run an external Thunderbolt enclosure for years with an Intel based laptop and Nvidia cards without issues. And I can get the Z13 working with its integrated AMD graphics and an external Nvidia card in the thunderbolt enclosure, but I don't want to be running multiple video drivers. With USB4 this was my first chance to get to a single driver stack for internal and external graphics and it's a TOTAL FAIL on AMD's part. Why in the world can I use the external Nvidia card and AMD Interated graphics, but **not** AMD integrated graphics and an AMD 6600XT external card? This is so stupid I can't believe it's happening. Has anyone gotten this to work? Thx.
What is the Make & Model of your eGPU Enclosure? Is it a Razor or Sonnet E.G.? There are only a few eGPU Enclosure that support the AMD 6000 Series GPU cards which is why I am asking. Razor & Sonnet are two of them.
Did you eliminate all traces of the Nvidia GPU driver by using DDU?
If the Nvidia GPU driver is still installed it could be causing a conflict with the AMD driver operating correctly.
The AMD Mobile Pro 6860Z seems to be an AMD OEM Pro processor since there are no AMD graphics drivers to download for that AMD APU Mobile Integrated Graphics. BUT according to CPU-MONKEY processor site comparing it to the AMD Mobile APU Ryzen 7 Pro 6850U it uses identical GPUs. So possibly that AMD Driver might work with your laptop:
But first it is best to install Lenovo's own OEM AMD laptop driver after deleting all traces of the Nvidia Graphics driver from your laptop first if you haven't done that yet.
Then try to see if the eGPU enclosure with your RX6600 GPU card now is recognized.
As you might guess, I'm quite technical so I don't typically post anywhere for anything so all the low hanging fruit like Nvidia drivers, correct drivers, etc., have all been tried. The external thunderbolt enclosure is an Akitio Node - Thunderbolt3 eGPU and it runs any / all Nvidia cards fine. It even runs the new Intel A770 card fine with the Z13 so this is almost certainly related to AMD's poor driver implementation. When / if anyone gets this working with a future set of drivers produced by actual engineers and not interns, please share. Until then the Z13 is getting a review of zero completely due to AMD and the notebook is going to my wife for Xmas. Super disappointed in AMD.
Looking at Akito Node Compatibility Chart it does show that it supports Sapphire RX6600XT and Sonnet RX6800XT.
Akito Node only lists a few laptops as being compatible:
It is strange that with a AMD Mobile processor it works with Nvidia GPU card but not with a AMD GPU card.
But as mentioned just because a GPU card is not listed doesn't mean it isn't compatible. it just hasn't been tested by the manufacturer. They get input from Users concerning compatibility issues with unlisted GPU cards.
I suggest you open a AMD SUPPORT Ticket ( and a Akito Support ticket to see what they recommend.
NOTE: TBH, I believe it has a compatibility issue with the RX6600XT that you have installed in your eGPU.
This can be verified if you install a different type of AMD GPU card that is shown to be compatible with your eGPU from the list post above.
Or use a different eGPU enclosure that supports the RX6000 series GPU cards like Razor and Sonnet.
Thanks, but I have 3 different Nvidia cards and the Intel a770 and they all work in the enclosure even though they don't all show up as compatible. This is an AMD driver problem, pure and simple. I knew I was taking a chance that this wouldn't work when I bought the Z13 because AMD (ATI) has never had great software. They still don't. Someday they will fix their drivers, but I'll just stick with Intel and / or Nvidia, too bad.
I see that your laptop has a AMD Ryzen 7 Pro 6860Z APU processor. The only AMD Mobile driver that I found was for the AMD Pro 6850U but according to the compatibility chart it is compatible with all AMD Mobile Pro APUs. Here is the latest AMD Mobile driver for the 6850U: