I'm running the following:
GPU: RX 5700 XT
CPU: Ryzen 7 3700x
MOB:MPG X570 Gaming Plus
PSU: Seasonic Focus Plus 750W Gold
RAM: G.Skill 16 GB 3200
I just bought a new M.2 SSD, and after installing it I get no Signal after the windows logo.
I have come to the conclusion that it is something with the drivers/gpu, as when I am in safe mode or have uninstalled the drivers compleatly I get a singal (using DDU). Only after installing the drivers do I get no singal.
I have:
1. Updated bios
2. Cleard CMOS
3. Unistalled drivers (several times, using DDU & AMDCleanUp).
4. Did a compleat fresh install of windows 10
5. Tried 20.5.1 driver
6. Removed the new SSD
plz help
ps I'm using hdmi as I don't have a displayport monitor.
Hi! Do you sove problem with no signal?
A have same issue here but on Windows 7. If system booting cold start i have no signal after Windows logo. System booting normaly.
It happend after upgrade to Ryzen 5 2600, Asrock b450, 16gb, Sapphire rx580(20.12.1 driver) Windows 7 fresh, reinstaled from original iso.
Monitor Dell S2421HGF hdmi connection
go into safe-mode and check if you have video there
if yes: run DDU in safe-mode and clean older driver + reboot back to normal Win10 and install 20.12.1
Hello! Thank you for reply.
How ddu can help if i just install fresh OS and driver? But yes, under safe mode signal not drop. The problem appear only at first boot at cold start only at Windows7. Windows10 every time boot normal. I whant to know its hardware or software issue? And how i can fix it? After second boot signal not drop to monitor. When os is booted i have no any issues in gaming or working.
Ps sorry for my English
hey, what driver did you install in Win7?
because Microsoft had changed the way it spoke to HW in 1909 - so new drivers maybe cause problems in older Windows versions...
Hi. At Windows 7 i use 20.12.1 driver. And what last best driver for Windows7?
hey, i think the last 100% working driver for Win7 would be 19.5.1 or 19.4.1
and in the release of 20.12.1 is written Win10 20H2 required - if i remember correctly...
btw - why do you still use Win7? Win10 20H2 is pretty good so far
i am admin for +60 PCs and have less bluescreens with Win10 in 2017-2020 than with Win7 in only 6 month... = i totally recommend Win10
before you are installing the old driver please do one last step:
download latest atikmdag-patcher and install it in safe-mode - because maybe there is a problem with your RX 5700XTs bios...
yet best would be to install a fresh Win10 20H2
Thanks a lot for help and usefull information! I am not say, sorry, i am using Sapphire rx580 not RX 5700XT i just have similar problen with signal. In dualboot i am also have last Windows 10 20H2 and i dont have problems with signal at booting, even at coldboot. Issues only with Windows 7.
I try 19.5.1 or 19.4.1 and give feedback here how it works.
I use Windows 7 as second os for old software and and also i have nostalgia feels for it)
PS but Win7x64 is officialy supported by AMD, and last drivers 20.12.1 already here for Win7x64. Why you say that 20.12.1 is for Win10 20H2 only, if i right undrstand you?
PPS Or may be its motherboard problem? Before upgade i have intel platform with that Sapphire rx580 and i dont have any problems with drop signal at booting. Now i have Ryzen 5 2600, Asrock b450 pro4(also try several bios version), 16gb(xmp at 2933)
20.12.1 is not for Win7 - its for Win10 20H2 = that is why you have some problems...
btw - maybe your RX 580 is actually a flashed RX 480
because if its so than Win7 Driver will check for legit BIOS and as it is flashed it cant use the GPU after booted into windows.
you could try to fix that with atikmdag-patcher (just google it and download latest) - this would then fix the issue
>20.12.1 is not for Win7 - its for Win10 20H2 = that is why you have some problems...
Why? Look at here https://i.imgur.com/W1r4ZDG.gif
Is it safe for use?
I must apply patcher for old 19.xx.xx driver or new 20.xx.xx?
Sadly but not help.
1. uninstall with ddu 20.12.1
2. install as you say 19.5.1
3. patched driver with atikmdag-patcher
4. turn off pc
5. wait 10-15 min
5. cold boot to Windows7 - after logo i still have no signal
yes - if downloaded from monitortest atikmdag-patcher is safe.
can you reinstall Win7 again?
is Win7 fully updated?
strange is that it works fine in Win10 - but not Win7
and the reason it works with safe-mode implies that its a driver issue // it cant be hw issue as it runs fine in Win10...
>can you reinstall Win7 again?
Yes, but what is sense? I am already done that two days ago. At first time all working good before Windows update even with last 20.12.1 Adrenaline. But after massive Windows update signal is start droping again. Or i can be wrong. May be root of problem in different place. Motherboard, monitor, ram xmp, uefi\legacy boot, etc.
ps Anyways thanks a lot to you for your attention to my question!
pps I can of course ignore it but but I'm curious about the reason
Probably found a reason. I was using ram with xmp at non auto factory defaults, ram is 3200 xmp but i set 2933 xmp. If i use ram without xmp or with xmp auto factory values 3200(in my case) hdmi signal not drop even at cold boot.
ok - now you have to report that as bug to your MoBo OEM 😉
Sorry i am wrong( Signal is still drops even with my ram "tricks" How you think, if signal not drop at safe mode its 100% driver issue? And why it drop only at cold boot if it software problem. IDK, huh(
if it only drops in cold boot it could also be a BIOS issue
flash latest BIOS to MoBo
Already tryed downgrade and upgrade bios, same. I am try 19.4.1 driver. And one more trick. I put in autostart win7 restart.exe from CRU utility it must restart driver at starting desktop, if it so i see that driver cause drop singnal or not.
I make shortcut to desktop for restart.exe from CRU utility that restart video driver. And make hotkey for this shortcut. When signal is drop, i whait for while desktop run and press hotkey for restart driver, and after driver restart signal is appear. What can be connection beetwen video driver, hdmi signal and ram settings?
if the RAM is instable it can cause errors in the GPU driver 😉
but maybe there is also a bug in GPU driver for you...
please report your issue to amd.com/report
Hello! Now i use 19.4.1 driver and ram at 2933mhz(downclocked XMP profile) - "the flight is normal" in Win7 cold booting. We'll see how it goes.
PS And why you suggest me 19.4.1 and 19.5.1 as best drivers for Window7 for Polaris?
i remembered these were the release drivers for AMD Ryzen APUs on Desktop - those were finetuned for most iGPUs and dGPUs 😉
If it doesn't bother you could you give more accurate information about supporting polaris in this legacy drivers?
I don`t find any info about polaris in 19.4.1, 19.5.1 Release Notes, sorry
Polaris is not LEGACY!
Polaris is GCN! and therefore can use the latest drivers
but as you face issues with your GPU i thought - why not trying those drivers i know work well 😉
Every time when signal is drop i have this message in ntbtlog.txt
Did not load driver \SystemRoot\System32\drivers\vga.sys