Hi, yesterday I bought a new HP EliteBook 755 g4 that has an amd-a10 pro 8730b cpu. The first thing I did with it was download the latest drivers (which are supposed to be 18.7.1), but I did not manage to get more than 30 fps in any game, not even League of Legends. Is there something else Im missing? I also tried 18.5.1 version but is not working either. Thanks in advance
EDIT: I also use the notebook plugged in so its not a power issue
If this is a new computer, you should be using the drivers from HP.
HP EliteBook 755 G4 Notebook PC - Driver Downloads | HP® Customer Support
Hi thanks for your answer! Should I install something else than the amd video drivers from that page? I only installed those but the fps are still really low, thank you
Yes...install anything the manufacturer has updates for...especially bios and chipset.
Have you read this? > Configuring Laptop Switchable Graphics on a Windows® Based System | AMD
I only have an integrated r5, its the only video adapter I have in device manager. I tried installing chipset / bios / video drivers from HP page but none of that worked. Today I went to the store where I bought this laptop and they gave me another one exactly the same, but the problem persists so its definitly not a hardware problem. Something is wrong with the drivers but no one in the store knows what and I dont know either, someone has another idea?
It is confusing...here on the spec sheet for a 6th Gen AMD PRO A10-8730B APU it shows it as having switchable graphics. Can you post a screenshot of the Radeon panel?
It's probably the base model laptop, only apu graphics.
I will post an image as soon as I get home from work in like 6 hours or so. Thank you again for your time and help this has been really frustrating cause nobody in the store seems to have a solution other than buying another model.
You should still install all the available updates from the manufacturer...also make sure you have your laptop power plan set to 'Performance'.....not 'Balanced'.
Here I got you every screenshot of my configuration until now. Do you think re-installing chipset and video drivers from the Hp page will work this time with a new pc? thanks
EDIT: Also, here is League of Legends running with the current configurations in medium quality.. shouldn't it be running at more than just 40fps?
No I didn't/don't suggest you reinstall anything. I meant if there is a update to a program you should install it. Most manufacturer sites have a automatic 'search your computer for updates' feature use that.
Make sure your graphic Power plan is set to Performance/High as well as your computer power plan set to 'Performance'.
If all that is set correctly...I have nothing else. Your drivers seem to be installed correctly. In games, anything above 30fps is 'playable' and if nothing else change your setting to Low. Maybe someone familiar with the game can suggest some in-game settings.
The thing is that Im %100 sure its not about the game / specs of the pc because I have an older laptop (its from around 2013) that has an amd a10 also and it runs smooth in games like lol and rocket league. This pc is better than the previous one and runs at really bad frame rates, thats why I thought about a driver issue
These are the settings I am asking about...they have to be on performance:
Yeah those settings are like you said, on high performance
Do you still have the receipt?how much did you spend?
I learned the hard way that laptops with only integrated don't do good for gaming...you should have bought a laptop with vega 10 graphics...integrated or better buy that 1500.00 dollar ROG....I just bought it and I can't wait to pick it up.....two more days...
the point is..I bought a Dell Inspiron 15 5000 10 months ago and now I am moving up...when shopping for a AMD laptop go for research into it first (like find out which cpu is better and go with that,and GPU is good and go with that.), find ones that are new with Vega Graphics...I hear that the Ryzen 10 Vega graphics are better...but the ROG GL702ZC is better ,if you can get the money back from that new laptop you bought go higher...
I already returned the laptop, but i saddly cannot spend more than what it costed me. I will try to find another solution, thank you all
AMD pro A10-8730B R5 with radeon r5 graphics is simply a **bleep**ty processor :litter_in_bin_sign:
better even an intel core i3,
Never been so disappointed after all the investment I did