if so cant we use mics and some video or image data to translate that 'radiation xray type' recorded info and light time of flight recorded info to 3d rendering software? was the depth of field mic/camera sensor what got huawei phones banned because they didnt want people 3d mapping all of planet earth possibly with a mic and a camera? im suspecting thats what AMD was building these quantum infinity super computers for originally for astronomy or to calculate data of light leaving our planet up into space for millions of years viewed in deep space back into an image of some sort the way we do to see what the beginning of our universe looked like and how we know about the big bang and other types of background radiation..
are our eyes and ears backwards? should our body have microphones for eyes? would it then see better? could people read spec sheets and boxes and understand what the numbers and words on boxes of hardware devices mean.. and when the AMD box since maybe before playstation 3 says on the packaging TRUE AUDIO the hardware reviewers could.. maybe .. review that for once.. or turn the hardware on? you know enable it? not have the software keep it disabled?
there could be some sort of.. radio telescope like imaging with cameras mics.. to put the games into your computer and play them with TRUEAUDIO (light is a type of audio) and you could then use the 1970s godrays amd rendering at DNA resolution with AMD PRORENDER and radeon rays on RDNA cards.. to 1:1 reality emulation simulate. with like realistic physics and all that stuff.. like have a hardware reviewer .. turn on the hardware and run the software it requires to 'use the advertised hardware device'. you know the things we paid money for in our phones.. i dont wanna have to wait decades before the phone obsolete AMD chips from the 70's and 90's and decades ago snapdragons or whatever are recycled and garbage parts picked from the trash to be piled on in big numbers and high power and pretend they're some sort of nvidia or intel product and charge thousands for literal decades older dirt cheap stuff.
i hate it when people take 1800's trash and pretend its a computer for 60 years then take literal trash of a computer and charge obscenely more for it by virusing up and disabling all your stuff so they can sell it to u decades later. rtx yourselves into the 80's and 90's and godrays of the 70's..
by the way, im a fan of the popular in the 80's.. planar magnetic headphones. I rather think the hifiman line are rather good to my ears. could somebody try imaging graphics by capturing data from the hifiman headphones and compare them to others on the market for similar price points?