Hello im having issues with amd's fluid motions
i have a 6800xt
when i enable the fluid motion and i track the fps using ingame counter it matches with the Amds fps counter...
also the game does not feel any smoother with or without it
opening the software it does shot that the flud motion is enabled with no issues
Does the game you are testing with use DirectX 11 or 12?
Hey, yes they do
ive seen other people use it on that game via youtube and by asking around...
also i can't get the fluid motions to work on any game at all
Is FPS capped in game or Vsync enabled? Can you post a screenshot of what you are describing.
unlimited cap and Vsync is disabled
left top corner is what steams dispalyed fps and right side is from amds software
Are you going into the game first, then pressing Alt-R and enabling AFMF from the Gaming menu?
ive tried enabling it while in game
also tried launching the game with the setting turned on
Well that is puzzling.
It isn't specifically called out as a requirement, but do you have SAM enabled? Or at least Re-BAR if you have an Intel CPU.
yup enabled
Already play in full screen or exclusive screen?
My fluid will off if I like do pop-up youtube. (I play and watch youtube at the same time). this will turn off fluid. Also if you have 2 monitor, has some limited.
thats the funny part it shows inactive in full screen mode but when i switched to windowed its active (but still no change)
and yes i do have 2 monitors
generation not compatible with the games display mode
currently getting this
while in fullscreen tried changing resolution with no change 😕
in multiple games
Just for troubleshooting try disconnecting one of your monitors and run the game full screen on one monitor, see if that makes a difference.
same issue