Hello all,
when playing Deus Ex: Mankind Divided - Digital Deluxe Edition (bough on gog.com = without Denuvo protection) in DirectX12 mode game always crashes on square in Prag. Using Sapphire Pulse RX5700.
Exact setting, print screen of error and savegame position is enclosed.
If you want simulate this issue load savegame, go from metro outside to the square and in a few minutes game collapse.
For exact configuration see DxDiag.txt, please.
I don't know how to open dxng file but I have the same problem as you called ''DEVICE_HUNG'' error on Dauntless. It comes with black screen and screen freeze. I fixed it by using AMD 20.5.1 software and use window 10 20H1. Also install latest GPU bios.
Thank you for feedback, I have also driver 20.5.1, but so far only W10 1909 -> I will try update it next weekend if there would be no more serious issues with this update. What regards GPU BIOS it seems to me, that Sapphire does not offer new BIOS for RX5700 Pulse.
I tried it, unfortunately it did not help.
Reset settings with WattMan. Then reduce the maximum frequency by 100Mhz with WattMan for the GPU core clock speed. With this way, there will probably be improvement. You may get this kind of DX device hung errors when your graphics card is pushed by games. For this reason, I suggest you try what I wrote to you.
If you are doing OC or undervolting to your GPU, you may need to return to factory settings and try again. Because the error message you get usually occurs in overheating, OCs, or when the GPU is unstable.
I did not over/underclock my GPU. I only want use it on default and play games without problems.
Go to WattMan and find Max Frequency (%) and set this value from 0 to -5. If you follow this way, you will probably get an improvement. By reducing the rate of Max Frequency (%), you can give to the GPU the necessary stabilization. If you cannot get an improvement, there may be a heating problem, because the error message you get is most likely caused by a hardware problem.
Thank you for feedback, it happens also in different situation - I saw it also in main menu just after I started game. I am sure, that it is not temperature dependant. Moreover it runs well in DX11 mode, it must be something in SW code.
It will work better with DX11 because DX12 pushes GPUs too much. If you try what I wrote to you and don't have a heating problem, it will be very stable for DX12 and for all. Because there is no problem with the game or DX12 or DRM. You are having problems. Because with DX12, your graphics card probably works by crossing limits.
As can be seen from enclosed data, VSYNC is on and my i5 limits GPU due to DeusEX bad optimization. The highest achieved temperature during DeusEX playing was 67 °C - there is no overheating issue.
There is no problem with DRM and performance, but .exe file without denuvo is different and drivers does not recognize it (I already reported it to AMD, so hope, that they will fix it). What regards DX12, there are serious issues with DeusEX as can be seen on gog forums, steam forums, reddit, etc. But I do not want complain, but provide data to AMD, so they could finally fix it, this games was in AMD gaming evolved program and according to more people in works only in DX11 mode, not DX12.
Reporting the DX device hung error you got to AMD will not solve your problem. Because this problem is hardware-related with high probability. If you use VSYNC and this usage provides a FPS limit, your GPU tends to work with high frequencies. Based on this information, you can try to solve the problem with WattMan. Or you can retire the GPU. Because your GPU is not working properly with factory settings. While you are getting this error frequently in the game (DXMD) you specified, this frequency may decrease for another game and may give the impression that your GPU is stable. There is no problem for the game or for DX12 API. I finished this game two times with DX12 API with an AMD GPU and I did not come across any problem except for performance problems. I suggest you seek help from anyone who claims otherwise.
I had the exact same issue.
This had NOTHING at all to do with 'pushing the GPU' or over heating.
Quite simply this is AMD drivers being absolute crap, again.
Game crashed on my 5700XT using 20.5.1 in both DX11 and DX12 modes with the following:-
"A problem has occured with your display driver. Your system may not have enough resources to run the game at the selected settings. You can retry using the same settings, or adjust them to lower settings. Make sure you have the latest drivers for your video hardware, and try rebooting your system to help clear up any issues. (0x887A0005: DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED)".
Downgrading to 20.2.2 worked for me, these have been the best and most stable drivers since buying my 5700XT.
Hope this helps.
The only thing I mean for pushing the GPU is not the temperature problem. All things are there...
- Overheating problems.
- GPUs not being stable for maximum frequencies.
- GPUs not being stable for maximum TDPs.
- Driver resource usage problems.
For solving this problem, GPU frequency and (or) GPU power limit should be reduced. Because for maximum frequencies, temperatures and (or) TDP, the GPU does not provide factory settings. That's all.
The reason for this problem may be that the manufacturer produces the GPU as OC. Or it may be a PSU with poor 12V stabilization or a motherboard that may not provide 75 watts standard. I am writing the solution for the problem. I have to test the faulty system to write its source. I have to read the statistics constantly and look at which statistics data and GPU are making errors. I also need to try with different motherboard and PSU for the error source.
The DX error is a sign of hardware failure. There is no problem with the game. I'm sure!
Thank you very much, I believe, that based on mentioned facts there are no doubts about that it is a driver issue. In matter of facts I have also best experience with 20.2.2, although it is not perfect. I bought RX5700 last September to play Witcher 3, until 20.2.2 driver came out it was not possible play Witcher with shadows above medium...
Based on different forums many people with AMD GPUs have same problem with Mankind Divided, unfortunately it is relatively old game, so I hope, that AMD will fix it. It would be shame on game which starts with "AMD Gaming Evolved"...
Exactly this is reason why I posted it here, because sending anything to support never led to anything. Hope, that they will notice and fix it. I wish, that more people who played Deus Ex recently share their experience. Without proper feedback it cannot be fixed.
You can try to learn similar problems by looking at the similar GPU manufacturer's forum page. I spend time with writing on your title. You have just an idea. But I think you have no knowledge.
RAM passed with Passmark Memtest and PSU is as old as GPU (=since September).
Luckily in history is possible read who wrote what.
Deus Ex: Mankind Dividedâ„¢ may experience an application crash or hang when loading into some train stations.
I would like to thank AMD and all who reported same problem! As soon as possible I try if it helps to problem, which I described and let you know. (in mean time I already finished game in DX11)
I have mentioned to you the sources of DX device hung errors with previous messages. I also tried to explain that such problems are generally hardware-related. If you had read past messages properly, you would not need to write a new message in reply.
- Overheating problems.
- GPUs not being stable for maximum frequencies.- GPUs not being stable for maximum TDPs.
- Driver resource usage problems.
Now, I can confirm, that drivers 20.7.1 fixed my problem.