A have an AMD Radeon HD 6800. It works well, but sometimes some sw says that they can't access graphic hw. But i want update my Windows 10 vr. 1909 to vr. 2004, but Windows says that my AMD driver is incompatible. I use the last version Crimson Beta 16.2.1.
That's all there is..and will be. There are some things you might can try...is this a laptop? https://community.amd.com/thread/196209
Hi, kingfish.
AMD Graphics Card: AMD Radeon HD 6800 Series
Operating System Windows 10 Pro vr. 1909, 64 bits
Driver installed: Radeon Software Crimson Edition 16.2.1
Display devices: Monitor LED IPS 23" LG IPS236V, Resol. 1920x1080
Motherboard: DX58SO2, vr. AAG10925-205
CPU: Intel CORE I7-990X 3.46GHz, 6.4GT/s, 12MB LGA1366
Power Supply: Corsair GS700 de 700 Watt
RAM: 12 Gb
I have the same mother board and Intel says it does not meet the specs for Win10...that's just one of the reasons I stay with Win7.
Hi, kingfish, I have installed Win10 when it was released, and I use it in my motherboard all these years without problems. Only the last 4 or 5 months, I had have problems with some sw that can't access my graphics hw. And only this month I can't actualize my Win10 Pro from 1.909 to vr. 2004. These are my problems.
And I suggest you to migrate to Win10; it is more secure than Win7.
The HD 6000 series are older so the driver on windows update is about as best you are can get
my suggestion, find a more recent card such as a RX 470 which is low cost and substantially more powerful
Hi, hardcoregames.
Thanks your valuable suggestion. I will do something like this. But in the meanwhile, maybe I may attend an eventual update. Microsoft seems working in it: Windows 10, version 2004 and Windows Server, version 2004 - Windows Release Information | Microsoft ...
What you think about?
hugof wrote:
Hi, hardcoregames.
Thanks your valuable suggestion. I will do something like this. But in the meanwhile, maybe I may attend an eventual update. Microsoft seems working in it: Windows 10, version 2004 and Windows Server, version 2004 - Windows Release Information | Microsoft ...
What you think about?
Lots of problems with dinosaur hardware, modernize your video card
OK. I will do it. Thanks. You may close this ticket.