Hello AMD , im very happy to be a user of your graphics card. I have one small problem regrading your program and instant replay as well as recording. I installed your last version of the program , everything went smoothly until i tried to turn on the recording that didnt work , it just blinked.
As for Instant Replay , it doesnt work for me , and it writes those files that it "manages to save" as if they were corrupted .
I have been trying to solve the problem with this for maybe a year now, im the owner of "R7 240 2gb OC Gigabyte" Every file i try to record is corrupt , at frist i thought my graphics card did not support Instant Replay but if i saw according to your support it is in line with my graphics.
I would be very happy if maybe someone would know how to solve this problem , i will leave a video and image too see what this is about , thanks u , i hope u will help me soon !