If you are downloading your laptop's RX460/560 driver that is why you are having problems installing the driver.
You need to download your FX-9830P Driver which installs both your Integrated and Discrete GPUs in your laptop.
BUT the FX-9830P is not supported by AMD with driver updates anymore since June 2022 and only for Windows 10 and older version of Windows: https://www.amd.com/en/support/apu/amd-fx-series-processors/amd-fx-series-processors-for-laptops/7th...
While your RX460/560 (same driver is used) is still supported with new AMD Drivers but the latest driver is not compatilbe with your Laptop's FX-9830P APU Processor.
So you are stuck at using the FX-9830P APU Driver for both. I read that there are some modified AMD drivers that might work on legacy or non-supported AMD APU processors.
Also in the past there was a method of installing both legacy and supported drivers on a laptop like yours with a legacy or non-supported APU and still supported Discrete GPU. But it was a little bit complicated and I don't have the links to those threads anymore.