Sometimes I have problems with my AMD and when I search for solutions in the official pages there are pictures that "helps" you but I realized that the components are different than mine. I mean, in my AMD I don't have all the options that appeared in the explanation and it is really annoyed... If someone can help me to know how I can get all the options, I will be really gratefull.
If you want to see what I mean, I post 2 pictures. One of them is my AMD that just have two options "Games (Juegos) and System (Sistema)" but the AMD that appeared in te official page for help the users have all the options "Gaming, Video, Display, Eyefinity and System"
Please!!! Help me. I need to figure out how to turning off my GPU scaling and I don't have any option in my AMD for it.
I am sorry if my english is really bad, My vocabulary in theses cases are really limited. Thank you so much.
A veces tengo problemas con mi AMD y cuando voy a buscar soluciones en la página y veo las imágenes explicativas me doy cuenta de que es completamente diferente al mio. No tiene todas las opciones que tienen en las imágenes y a menudo me veo frustrada por no poder solucionar el problema. Por favor, si alguien puede decirme como añadir esas opciones a mi AMD o porque es así, lo agradezco.
Para que vean a que me refiero, he subido las dos fotos, una con todas las opciones (Gaming, Video, Display, Eyefinity y System) y mi AMD que solo tiene Juegos y Sistema. Lo mismo sucede cuando busco más opciones de AMD...
This is a English language forum. Per forum rules, use one of the freely available translate programs and include Please read INFORMATION REQUIRED WHEN POSTING A QUESTION.
Excuse me, I think that I have all the rigths to express myself in my own language. AMD community allow my post in spanish. Who are you to decided in which language I should write? I know English. But I think that if you want to help, you have google translation too. 😃
And just to make you know, AMD do not have Spanish Forum but they have the page in spanish, so I can post in Spanish, thank you.
I don't believe anyone was trying to negate your right to speak your native language. These forums are Community forums. The help you get here are from your peers and not AMD employees. We only want to help you and I know I don't speak your language, but would love to be able to help. So all anyone is asking is for you to post so we can understand your issue and be able to help you. I don't know why AMD only has English forums. I have actually asked that question myself. I have been told they don't and that all support questions that AMD needs to respond to are to be directed to them and not these forums. Nobody meant to offend, only help, and we can't help if we don't understand. Kingfish would have been an excellent helper for whatever issue you have. He has as much or more knowledge on this stuff as anybody. So please don't take offense to the request. This is even stated in the information on the main page of the forums not by us, but by the AMD mods that set up the forum for us to be able to help each other. AMD Support Forums - Rules & Regulations & Terms of Membership If you are unable to translate that is certainly your call, you can wait for maybe a person to come a long ( I have yet to see one though) who will answer in your language. If you would like to voice your opinion on this to AMD and or ask them for support, you may do so at either of these links, these are the real AMD support. We are just like you and trying to help each other. Anyway here are the links:
Good Luck, I do hope you get your issue resolved.
Thank you for making me understand... I already edit the post so... If you could help me, I would be really gratefull...
I think you just want to know how to work with GPU scaling? See this page please: How-To Enable and Configure GPU Scaling Feature
No. This is exactly my problem. My AMD is different so I don't have the same options that the Explanation have. When you see "How to Enable and Configure GPU Scaling Feature" they show you where you need to go to modify GPU Scaling BUT I don't have GPU Scaling because I dont have the option "Display" just "gaming and System"
I would try a clean install of the drivers.
Do what Kingfish said and clean install. Follow his link it will walk you through it. Hopefully it fixes your issue.
I already edit my post so, if you still want to help me I would be gratefull and sorry If I attacked you before...
Download DDU and install the latest driver clean so that the defaults are applied witch should be OK for 99% of users