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PC Graphics

Adept I

Intermittent black screen RX 580

I have a HTPC running Kodi and recently upgraded to a 4k TV.  I got a RX 580 graphics card which is driving me crazy with black screens.  Not only does it black out while watch 1080p or 4k content, it blacks out at the Windows desktop when nothing else is running.  I reformatted the drive and loaded a fresh copy of Win 10 x64.  The only apps installed are Kodi and the Radeon settings utility.  

These black screens are not that intermittent, sometimes I get them every 10 seconds.  Other times it can go 30 minutes.  The crazy part is I get more at the Windows desktop than in Kodi at times.  

I have tried tuning Wattman but nothing seems to make anything better, just worse.  

Can someone help me understand these settings and what these black screen actually mean?  Is the card crashing/resetting when a black screen occurs?

4 Replies
Journeyman III

I got the same sh**... will try to get my money back.. the rx 580 do not work

Journeyman III

I had same problem with r9 390, but i had 1 black screen in a day, it was very difficult to find the issue.

My problem was a bad contact in PCIE connection.  This card is really heavy, you need to fixate in right position and solid or it lose connection - result is black screen.

People say it is known issue and trying underclock memory or gpu, or talk about drivers, but really issue is bad PC building, card not mounted correctly.  It is really important. This problem 95% hardware related


This has been an issue with this card for many since release. To get them stable (assuming your system meets all required specs) you need to raise the Power Limit to +50. This setting is in Radeon Settings Wattman. If this does not help or you do not wish deviate from default settings (and I agree all cards should work properly at defaults) then you might want to replace the card. There are alternatives at similar price points that would likely give you a more trouble free experience. 

Adept I

The problem was not the RX 580.  It was related to my Pioneer LX-503 receiver which was where the HDMI was going.  Once I bypassed the receiver the card worked perfectly at the default settings.