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General Discussions

Adept I

Dual Instinct setup - recommended airflow

Whilst we wait for Instinct cards to hit the market, any idea what kind of airflow they require?

I'm working on a build for continuous high load (24/7 machine learning workload) using a Fractal Design R6 case and would like to plan the airflow to support a dual Instinct setup.

I'm preparing for 2 front intakes (140mm), 2 bottom intakes (140mm), and 3 exhaust (1 back and 2 top, 120mm). If necessary I'll build custom ducts from the bottom fans directly to the Instincts. The system needs to be as silent as possible though, so I'm wondering if the Fractal Design Dynamic X2 GP-14 140mm fans with a max CFM of 64.5 can keep these cards cool under a sustained load.

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