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Drivers & Software

Adept II

Why is Freesync just not allways working like on nvidia ?

Like Seriously... on nvidia you Activate Gsync compatible , enable it for borderless and fullscreen and.... it just works.

Regardless what game , regardless where , borderless , window , fullscreen it just works.


So i swapped from a 3080 ( it died ) to a 6800XT and ... its horrible like in Helldivers 2 it only works in Dedicated fullscreen.

World of tanks Literally needs to be put into fullscreen then borderless to make freesync start working.


its quite annoying and sad that amd´s freesync is just "sometimes" working even while set to "on" and not "Amd Optimized"


How did i verify that ? the OSD of my monitor shows the HZ in real time , if the HZ fluctuates adjusting to FPS freesync = on if its a 144.3 freesync = stuck at max hz.

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