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Drivers & Software

Journeyman III

When I play DNF(Dungeon & Fighter), the VRAM will be full

When the VRAM reaches 8GB, it will remain full until the game program crashes. My graphics card model is RX 6600. Is there any way to improve this situation?

1 Reply

There are several ways to improve the situation of VRAM being full when playing DNF with an RX 6600 graphics card. Here are some possible solutions based on the search results:

-Overclock and undervolt your graphics card: This can help improve performance and reduce power consumption, which may help with the VRAM issue. There are tutorials available on YouTube that can guide you through the process

-Increase the power limit: According to a review on TechPowerUp, you must increase the power limit to see any performance gains

-Mod your graphics card: While not recommended, it is possible to mod your graphics card to increase VRAM capacity. However, this is a risky process and can potentially damage your graphics card

It's worth noting that upgrading your graphics card to one with more VRAM may also be a solution. However, this can be expensive and may not be necessary if the above solutions work for you.

PC Hardware Specialist