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Drivers & Software

Journeyman III

Error in AMD software - a dealbreaker


there is a huge error in AMD software (“Adrenalin” is it called?) — it's not possible to globally turn off the hotkeys. And they mess up my system. Somebody must be a huge idiot among the AMD's development team, because I can't believe that none of the devs or testers came up with the idea to disable ALL HOTKEYS at once. I would rather guess that there is a **bleep**head project manager who in all his or hers glory dismissed that sensible idea.

“Be more polite”, you'd like to say? F...U, politeness out, next delivery next year.


Is it gonna be fixed or WHAT!?

2 Replies

Deleted answer since OP is too lazy to disable the Hot Keys which probably takes a minute or less to do.

If OP never uses the Hot Keys in Adrenalin, the lazy person just needs to take a minute to disable all the hot keys once only.

If by chance the OP needs to use a specific Hot key he can always enable that Hot key or change it to something that won't interfere with any other programs installed.

Yes it would be nice to just flip a switch and disable/enable Hot keys in Radeon Settings. But this guy is making a mountain out of a molehill, in my opinion.

Then demanding that AMD do something about it.  Maybe the OP should buy a couple of million shares of AMD then he can demand AMD to do as he wishes.

I saw in a previous AMD Thread a User made a Registry script to be able to disable and enable the Hot keys by just running the Registry key program.

One to enable the Hot Keys and another to disable the Hotkeys.



NO, it does not. Don't spread misinformation.

It informs how to disable Alt-R hotkey. It informs how to disable each of the hotkeys separately. It does not inform how to disable all hotkeys in one go (and thus be able to enable them back in one go).