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Drivers & Software

Adept III

Battlefield 5 suddenly stutter again


been playing both BF 5 and BF 2042 for long now - updated drivers for my 6900 xt when new ones came out (WHQL + recommend. only). Now this time I was so stupid to update to latest bios - latest chipset drivers and also 23.3.1 driver all at same time and now - I again get huge cpu spikes - BF 5 the worst of them. No matter if I go DX 11 or 12 in BF 5 it is massive cpu and gpu spikes. 

MB is Gigabyte x570 ultra rev. 1.0 (bios F37 AGESA V2

AMD chipset drivers (not the ones from Gigabyte - never used those since they never update here)

AMD gfx driver 23.3.1

bios load optimized defaults and enable xmp as I always do - rest is always on auto. And must say - if I did something previously I cannot remember. 

Disabled secure boot and AMD ftpm - just in case it was it. I use parkcontrol and lasso and nothing in windows changed.

BF 2042 is not with severe spikes but have hickup's but BF 5 has gone crazy - even in dx 11 - if I use the console and drawgraph when there is a hickup / spike it is not just the cpu but both cpu and gpu that spikes. Changed to dx12 and now it is only the cpu that spikes - the green line (GPU) is now flat.

Any ideas ? Something I forgot in bios or did I update in wrong order ? Did chipset drivers before updating the bios - normally I always do bios first then chipset.

Note to my self next time - never update that much at same time - hard to say where error is now !

1 Solution
Adept III

Hi again - I was so happy that this was solved - but turned out it was not ! So back to AGESA and new adrenalin driver was still stutter mess. Google is your friend - found guy mention that it is not enough to disable the fTPM in bios - you need to disable to device called amd psp 11 - found in device manager under security devices. Read a lot about dangerous to disable and needed and what else - perhaps for win 11. First I just disabled it - and was much better now. Then new bios again this new AGESA - disabled the fTPM and also removed the PSP 11 + disabled the unknown device. 

I don't care about this - if it makes stutter in my system it needs to go.

Now my BF 5 and 2042 is back to normal again. Not bios and not new gfx driver.

My guess is I made a mistake - fTPM was enabled when I went into windows and perhaps that did something. 

If others have stutter hell - then look in this direction - fTPM (bios) and AMD PSP 11 in device manager and disable this crap ! (at least for windows 10)

View solution in original post

2 Replies
Adept III


managed to solve this myself - reverted the bios to my previous one with AGESA 1.2.07 and made my usual bios settings and now - fluid game play again in BF 5 - nice !!

DX 12 do stutter no matter what - but dx 11 with future frame on normally is fine and what I have it set for. Phew - wonder what was wrong here. Again if your stuff works - then just update bios !!

Adept III

Hi again - I was so happy that this was solved - but turned out it was not ! So back to AGESA and new adrenalin driver was still stutter mess. Google is your friend - found guy mention that it is not enough to disable the fTPM in bios - you need to disable to device called amd psp 11 - found in device manager under security devices. Read a lot about dangerous to disable and needed and what else - perhaps for win 11. First I just disabled it - and was much better now. Then new bios again this new AGESA - disabled the fTPM and also removed the PSP 11 + disabled the unknown device. 

I don't care about this - if it makes stutter in my system it needs to go.

Now my BF 5 and 2042 is back to normal again. Not bios and not new gfx driver.

My guess is I made a mistake - fTPM was enabled when I went into windows and perhaps that did something. 

If others have stutter hell - then look in this direction - fTPM (bios) and AMD PSP 11 in device manager and disable this crap ! (at least for windows 10)