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Adept I

Catalyst 10.7 Issue

UNSIGNED_INT8 Image2D access impaired


I was creating some Image2D manipulation kernels that worked perfectly to filter a given input Bitmap, loading its contents as byte (Unsigned int8), but for some strange reason the read_imageui or write_imageui got broken.

The code worked with previous Catalyst but doesn't work anymore with 10.7. Code works on NVidia hardware too. Interestingly enough, I even managed to get a picture of the result in ....


I would like some advice, please. Kernel code is attached.

__kernel void Border (__read_only image2d_t img1, __write_only image2d_t img2) { const sampler_t smp = CLK_NORMALIZED_COORDS_FALSE | //Natural coordinates CLK_ADDRESS_CLAMP | //Clamp to zeros CLK_FILTER_NEAREST; //Don't interpolate int x0 = get_global_id(0); int y0 = get_global_id(1); int2 coord = (int2)(x0+3, y0+3); uint4 centralValue = (uint)49*read_imageui(img1, smp, coord); uint4 val = (uint4)(0,0,0,0); for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 7; j++) { coord = (int2)(x0+i, y0+j); val += read_imageui(img1, smp, coord); } } centralValue.x = centralValue.x > val.x ? centralValue.x - val.x : val.x - centralValue.x; centralValue.y = centralValue.y > val.y ? centralValue.y - val.y : val.y - centralValue.y; centralValue.z = centralValue.z > val.z ? centralValue.z - val.z : val.z - centralValue.z; //centralValue.w = centralValue.w > val.w ? centralValue.w - val.w : val.w - centralValue.w; centralValue /= (uint)8; centralValue = (uint)255 - centralValue; if (centralValue.x>255) centralValue.x = 255; if (centralValue.y>255) centralValue.y = 255; if (centralValue.z>255) centralValue.z = 255; //if (centralValue.w>255) centralValue.w = 255; coord.x = x0+3;coord.y = y0+3; write_imageui(img2, coord, centralValue); }

2 Replies
Adept I


Use the recommended drivers from StreamSDK page to run OpenCL. Other drivers could cause issues.


All right. Reverted back to previous version and things are working fine. I'd really appreciate some technical information about why a newer driver doesn't support unsigned_int8 images, if it's OK with you developers to post it.

BTW congratulations for such a high level OpenCL forum I really appreciate the help from you, driver developers.