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Journeyman III

Trouble getting GPU PerStudio 2.2 to give me the data I need

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I just upgraded to a 5770 and I'm finally able to use GPU PerfStudio 2.2 to analyze the performance of my programs; however, I can't for the life of me figure out how to narrow down what calls are doing what. I can guess based on performance and vertices passed, but I want concrete answers. I do have PIX begin and end tags in my code, but while these show up in PIX they don't seem to show up here to help me narrow down performance of a certain part of my code.

I was wondering if there was a way to narrow down performance of a certain part of my code using the tool.

Also, is there a tutorial on how to use this product at all? I found the AMD one that is a few short paragraphs, but I was hoping for something more thorough.

Thank you for your time.

1 Reply


GPU PerfStudio supports the D3DPerfMarkers. Instead of using the PIX begin and end  tags, you can use the following two entrypoints:

D3DPERF_BeginEvent(D3DCOLOR col, LPCWSTR wszName)


PIX also supports these entrypoints, so you should be able to use both tools. The name that is supplied to the begin event is visible just above the draw call selector before the name the of the draw call. It is also used in a tree control in the API Trace, and can be used as a State Group in the Frame Profiler.


Please let me know if this does not provide the functionality you are looking for.