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Journeyman III

Tctl/Tdie - which is it?

I have a ThreadRipper Pro 3955WX installed in a Supermicro M12SWA-TF motherboard.


In HWiNFO64, the temperature is reported as "Tctl/Tdie". So which is it? Is this the die temperature, or is it the control temperature, i.e. die plus offset?


HWiNFO64 says my thermal throttling flag is off and has never been on. And during extended CPU burn-in, my CPU frequency usually remains above base for extended periods of time. So I don't think I'm thermally throttling. Still, it would be nice to know whether my CPU temperature is Tdie or Tctl (i.e. Tdie plus offset).

In my Ryzen 7 2700X + Gigabyte X470 Aorus Gaming 7 Wifi system, I have two temperatures, Tdie and Tctl. So what's confusing me is that the ThreadRipper calls it "Tctl/Tdie", and I don't know which one it is.


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