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Journeyman III

Hoping someone can me figure why computer keeps rebooting itself. Event Error 18, WHEA-Logger.

Hi All,

Over the past week or so my computer has randomly rebooted itself 3 times. Event viewer shows the following error pictured below each time.

The PC does not blue screen. The screens just go black and then reboot.

I'm running a Crosshair VIII Hero MoBo, 3700x and RTX 2070 Super. The details are in my user flair.

I've tried the following to attempt to fix this:

-Update BIOS

-Updated Chipset Drivers

-Ran DDU twice and reinstalled the GPU drivers

-Ran Prime95 Blend test for an hour to test the RAM. Got 0 errors on all workers.

-Turned off PCIe power management in the Ryzen Balanced power plan settings.

-Temps are fine. I monitor them with HWiNFO64 and Rainmeter.

I'm not really sure what else to do? I could start an RMA but I don't know which piece of hardware is the issue. I did read on the AMD community forums that its usually CPU or RAM related but I don't which one.

3 Replies

I also had faced same issue. The solution to this problem is very easy. Simply follow this. Go to "Start" -> "Computer" --> right click on "Properties", and then tap "Advanced system settings". In the advanced options of the system context menu, click on "Settings" for Startup and Recovery. In Startup and Recovery, uncheck the "Automatically restart" for system failure. Click "OK" after unchecking the checkbox.

Journeyman III

I get Event ID 19 - Which I assume is the recoverable one - So I'm not getting any crashes.

Not sure what to do about this though.

Do you still get the machine check entries in your event log?

Journeyman III

Solved the issue. For me it was a couple bad BIOS updates. I downgraded to the last BIOS version that I knew for sure was stable and the issue stopped happening.