2 months ago I bought a AMD Ryzen 2700X and since bulding it into my computer it freezes every 2-3 mins for about 30sec. In fullscreen applications the lags usually dont appear but once you minimize the fullscreen App it starts to lag again.
We tried everything we bought a new case to make the CPU cooler, we reinstalled windows, we updated the BIOS, we tried out various of ryzen master settings, we used the windows balanced settings but nothing works.
My hardware:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 2700X
Motherboard: MSI X470 Gaming Pro
GPU: Nvidia GeForce GTX 1070
bomber, please post more information, including power supply, OS, what you are running, memory make/model. Please post a screenshot of Ryzen Master (RM) running your load that hangs. Thanks and enjoy, John.
500W i dont know the name, windows 10, the lags even appear if I run nothing besides windows itself (I hope its ok that Ryzen Master is in german)
Thanks, bomber, I do not read German, but bring up my English RM and try to make sense of yours. Please do a Clear CMOS and post a new screenshot of RM. Your 1000 Watt limit for PPT makes no sense, my 2990WX defaults to 250 Watts. I do not think that is your problem but leads me to think the BIOS has some strange OC or something. Are you OCing? Please also post more specifications as requested above. I also do not think this is your current problem, but 500 Watt power supply may well not be enough for a fully loaded 2700X, especially OCed. Thanks and enjoy, John.
In Computer Management>Event Viewer>Windows Log>"System" and "Application" are there any Warnings or Errors that occur about the same time as your freezes?