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Adept II

Can anyone tell me what processor pins do what?

I have 4 broken pins, all next to one another on my Ryzen 5 2600. I have not noticed any decreased functionality or performance, but I imagine some of these pins had a purpose. I can post a pic or describe which pins they are if anybody has the answer.

10 Replies

AMD hasn't published a pin map for Ryzen, but some of them are key pins and some of them are ground pins, neither of which will affect functionality any.


Do they typically publish these after so long?


Not really, the motherboard manufacturers are the only ones who need to know that information.

Also, AMD's warranty doesn't cover user caused damage, so a warranty claim would just end up costing you money.


My advice with four broken Ryzen CPU Pins, best to RMA the CPU if possible. Not sure if AMD will replace the CPU if the pins were broken due to customer error before or during installation of the CPU.

But you can try and see what AMD WARRANTY REQUEST ONLINE says from here : AMD Warranty Request Form | AMD .

Even though, you see no adverse affect, the four pins are there for a purpose and are probably used.

If AMD won't replace the damaged CPU, you can keep using it until you start seeing problems like BSODs or freezes or hardware or CPU related issues etc.

EDIT: You can always use a Diagnostic program to Stess-Test your CPU. That should show if those four pins are important or not. If the CPU passes the Stress test without complications then at least you know that the CPU will work under heavy loads.


I have stress tested it, and even overclocked it. I'm not an expert, but seems to be working normal in every way.

The pins broke when the OEM cooler paste was bonded to the cpu strongly, and when trying to remove cooler, CPU and cooler both broke free from the socket while it was still locked into place.

You think they would cover that? Would be awesome if they did.


Probably not, but no harm will be done by opening a AMD WARRANTY REQUEST online (link on previous post). But at most they will say it is Customer Error and not covered by Warranty. The best they can say is RMA under Warranty.

I would try, since the Cooler was glued to the CPU and removing the Cooler damaged the Ryzen. You have nothing to lose.


mach14, several circuits in the processor require lots of current - core voltage for example (maybe 100-200 Amperes).  One pin cannot carry the needed current so AMD uses multiple (many) pins.  I suspect you have lost pins in one of these cases.  I cannot speculate how many can be lost and not cause problems.  Please run Ryzen Master (RM) and you will see the current (EDC).  I agree with elstaci, give an RMA request a try - nothing to lose.  Good luck and enjoy, John.

Adept II

To clarify, they didn't break when it pulled free, they broke when trying to straighten a bunch of them. The severely bent ones ones ended up breaking. I guess ill try the RMA. Thanks

Adept II

How does the RMA work? Theres nothing asking what the problem is on that form, just personal information.

Adept II

Oh, it looks like you just mail it in and they inspect it. They dont cover bent / broken pins, and you can tell more were bent, so it appears it would be a waste of effort.